When he thinks about you

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He couldn't stop thinking about you. Your beautiful (Y/H/C your hair colour) and the way it flowed in the wind. Your memorizing (Y/E/C) and warming smile.

He was sparring with Donnie but you kept coming to his mind he was so distracted, that Donnie beat him!

"Leonardo! What is the meaning of this? What do you have to say for yourself?" Master Splinter asks.

All he replies is...



No matter how hard he punched the punching bag, you would not go away in his head. Your wonderful (Y/E/C) was really memorizing and (Y/H/C) was really nice.

And it was nice to not have a girl go screaming away when she saw me.

The punching bag went flying and crushed the wall revealing Master Splinter meditating. "RAPHAEL!" He yelled.

"Oh (Y/N) is going to be the death of me..." He whispered to himself as he ran from Master Splinter.


He was in his lab working on the newest invention, but he was distracted by something, no someone, you.

Your smile just melted him inside. When he was fixing your arm,you weren't scared, you treated him like anyone else.

He loved your gigantic (F/C) glasses and your (Y/H/C) in a high pony looked really good.

"Hey Donnie!" April walks in. "How's my favourite turtle?"

"Good." and for the first time ever, he didn't blush when April said that.


Mikey was skateboarding while he was eating pizza, no surprise there, but he fell off his skateboard because you wouldn't get out of his brain.

Your laugh when he would say something funny like Booyakasha or Kowabunga and he loved your curly (Y/H/C) and smile.

"Get. Out. Of. My. Head." he said in between head smacks against the wall.

"Whoa dude chill before you become even dumber, wait... Is that possible?" Raph says.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny." he just continued smacking his head against the wall, but then he stopped. He liked having you in his head.

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