The parents/you move in (Raph)

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You and Raph walk to your house and slipped in through your window. Your parents must have heard you because they come up and open your door.

You mom rushes to Raph and shakes his shoulders violently. "DID SHE SAY YES?!?!?"

You hold out the hand with ring. "Does this answer your question?"

She gasps so big she almost fell. She to the door and pushed her husband making him fall. "IVE GOT PHONE CALLS PEOPLE!!" Your mom yells.

You dad stands up and walks up to Raph. You could feel Raph gulp.

But your dad just bro hugs him and whispers something in his ear. Raph goes wide eyed and looks at Clint strangle before fist bumping him.

You look at them confused. "Wait what did he say Raph?"

"Meh Something..." He says heading out the window.

"WHAT DID HE SAY!??!?" You yell and he shrugs making you growl.

Later that night you see your Dad watching sports and your mom making phone calls. "Mom, Dad." You say and they look at you.

"Can I move in with Raph?" You ask and your mom nods and your dad gives you a thumbs up.

You hug your mom and dad before going to pack.

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