When its your Birthday!!!

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Y/T = Your Turtle

You were walking home from school and you decide to stop by the lair. "Hey guys!" The turtles look over at you. "Hey (Y/N)!" Y/T gives you a kiss on the cheek. "What's up?"

"Oh just living another boring birthday as usual." you say.

"Unacceptable!!!" Y/T says.

Then one of the turtles (that isn't your boyfriend) takes you out of the lair leaving you confused.


Two hours later you returned to the lair only to see pizza, presents, and laser tag in the dojo! "OMG Y/T!!! Did you do this?!???" Y/T walks over to you and plants a kiss on your cheek and nods.

"Well let's get started!!!" You all head into the dojo to play some laser tag.

It was head to head with Y/T since everyone else was out.

You hide behind a wall and using your mad laser tag skills, you get Y/T out using a mirror.

"BOOYAKASHA!!! I WIN!!!!" You shout and take off your laser tag stuff.

"Damn it!!" Y/T says as you head into the kitchen for pizza.

While eating pizza, Y/T's hand rubs your thigh teasingly and you tense up. "What are you doing?" You ask.

"Nothing..." Y/T replies. You frown and clear your plate.

"Whatever... Let's open gifts!" You say grabbing a big box. "It's from (The three other turtles that isn't your boyfriend)!" You open the box to see a skate board with (Y/N) on the back.

"Aww!! Thank you so much you guys!!!!!!" You hug them. Then you see a little box and it's from Y/T.

You open it to see a necklace with your initials on it. You start to tear up. "Oh! Y/T! It's beautiful!!" You kiss your boyfriend passionately, but you don't pull away, Y/T licks your bottom lip for an entrance and you let him in.

Your tongues danced for a little bit, then you pull away. "Whoa..." Y/T faints.

You laugh. "That was an interesting first make out session!" You take your gifts and head home.

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