Meeting the family (Leo)

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"So there's more of you?" You ask walking down the sewers. "Will they like me?" He looks at you with his dark blue eyes. You melted inside as he grabbed you hand and said, "of course! I'll make sure they do!"

"Hey Leo! Who's this? Your giiiiirlfreind?" An orange-masked turtle asked.

'Yes' you thought, you had to admit you had a big crush on him even though you had just met. "No!" You reply your cheeks going red.

"Yeah we're j-just friends." Leo replays blushing a lot to, but you didn't see it.


"Is that Mikey?" You whisper to Leo. He face palms and nods.

Purple and red masked turtles walk in. "Hey Leo. Who is this?" The purple masked turtle asks.

"Hi I'm (Y/N)!" You say with a nervous smile. "And you are?"

"Raphael, but to you its Raph." Raph says.

"Raphael! Be nice!" Leo snaps at him.

"Who is there my sons?" A giant rat comes in.

You hide behind Leo a little. "(Y-Y/N)."

"Do not be afraid. We welcome you, as long as you tell no one of our existence." He says putting out a hand.

"Ok! I promise I won't tell anyone." You step out from behind Leo. You both head to the couch to watch space heroes.

"I hope your family isn't as annoying!" Leo says putting on the TV.

"Well... I wouldn't know because I never see my dad or my brother a lot." You say looking down.

"Why is that?" Leo gives you a concerned look.

"Well... Don't freak out... But my dad is... Superman." Leo practically falls off the couch.

Then you hear a BOOM! And Donnie's voice saying ow.

"YOUR DAD IS SUPERMAN?!?!?!?!?" Mikey comes running in.

"Y-Yeah, did you run over Donnie?" You ask.

"Yes! Ow!" You hear Donnie cough a little.

"Well, at least my family's not like this..." You joke. You thought Leo was going to kick you out but he just laughed and nodded.

After a few episodes of Space Heroes, you fell asleep on Leo's shoulder and he carried you back to your house bridal style.

He kissed your forehead. "Good night (Y/N)." he looked at you for a moment. "If only you would like me back, but I'm a mutant, and she's a human..." He said as he heads out you window. Little did he know, you were listening.

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