When you go to Canada's Wonderland (Raph: Leviathon)

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You both head out the limo that drove you to CW. You show the man your ticket and bag then head inside to find where to get the fast lane passes.

Once you grab the fast lane passes, you head towards this part of CW called medieval times. There was one ride that caught your eye called Leviathon. You ask Raph to go on it and he agreed.

In the line up you noticed a lot of girls staring at Raph but you scare them off. Who wouldn't stare at Raph? He's ripped, a 12 on a scale from 1 to 10, really handsome, and super sexy. You missed the sexy turtle Raphael though.

You finally get on the front row of the Leviathon and the staff put their thumbs up after checking to make sure everyone was secure and safe.

"Please keep your arms and legs inside the cart at all times and enjoy your ride!" The speaker says as the roller coaster moves up the 306 ft high hill.

Right before you go zooming down Raph speaks. "Why did I agree to this!" And you go zooming down the hill at high speeds.

"HOLY SHIZ!!!!" You both say as you make the first turn. As the camera comes up, Raph kisses your cheek as your laughing uncontrollably.

The big turn comes around and you clutch Raph's hand because you were on the outside.

The ride finally comes to a stop and you dizzily get off. Raph carries you bridal style down the stairs because you could barely walk and a whole bunch of teenage girls awe.

Raph gets the photo of you on the ride and you both laugh at (Y/H/C) blowing crazily.

"Where to next?" He says and you both head out into the park.

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