First date/kiss (Donnie)

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You were getting ready for your older sisters wedding. The theme was violet so you wore your favourite purple dress, bracelet, shoes, earrings, and purse. You had a lot of purple clothing.

"Psst! It's me Donnie! Come up to the roof!" You hear your computer go off. You head to the roof to see Donnie who has set up a dinner date! "Aww! It's wonderful Donnie!"

"Did you get ready that fast?!?" He looks at you all dolled up.

"Oh! No! I'm going to my sisters wedding." You say. "The only problem is... Don't laugh... But I don't know how to slow dance..."

"I could teach you." He offers. You nod and put your hands on his shoulders.

"Ok. So your going to make a box with your feet... Then I twirl you... 2 more boxes and a dip..." You end up in that dip and you are in that position that people always kiss in.

You must have both been thinking the same thing because you both lean in at the exact same time to kiss. It. Was. PERFECT!!!

But then your dad came. "Lady (Y/N)! We are leaving in one hour- HEY STOP KISSING MY DAUGHTER MISTER!!!" He pulls you off. "But DADDY!!!" You shoot lightning at his feet. "YOU RUINED MY FIRST KISS!! Now leave before I toAST YOU INTO A POP TART!!" Your dad backs away off the roof.

"Now where were we?" You say in your normal sweet voice. Donnie looked like he had seen a ghost.

He joins you at the dinner table he had set up and you guys talked about failed inventions. "Then, it exploded when I pressed the wrong button, and Yogurt went flying all over the judges!!" You said laughing.

"Wow! Well thanks for a good night Lady (Y/N)!" He imitates your dad.

"Oh don't you start doing that!" You walk off the roof. "Goodnight D!"

'I'm over April... And I found a girl who actually likes me back! And I found a great kisser' He thinks to himself as he cleans up.

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