When he asks you out (Donnie)

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"Ok and shoot lady (Y/N)!" Your dad is teaching you how to fight but you don't want to. You shoot your lightning and it finally hits the bullseye. "YES!"

"Good job lady (Y/N)! Pop tarts?" He offers you a box.

"What kind of question is that?" You say taking the pop tarts and heading to your room.

You pull out Allegiant to start reading. 10 pop tarts later, you finally reach halfway. "Ok that's enough for today." You put away the book.

"MAIDEN (Y/N)! DINNER!" Your dad yells to you. "COMING DAD!" You yell back.

Just before you leave your room, you hear a knock at your window. You look over to see Donnie with a (Y/F/C) tulip in his hand.

You let him in and take the flower he gave to you. "What's this for?" You ask.

"*deep breath* I was wondering if you would be my one and only?" He asks.

"Does the power of Q go into z squared once?" (I don't know if this is real I'm not smart! Don't judge!) You smile and he smiles back (The answer was yes). You kiss his cheek and then your dad walks in. "GET YOUR PAWS OFF MY DAUGHTER!!!"

"Dad chill... He's just a friend!" You lied. You weren't ready for him to know yet. Thor grabs your hand and head out the door. Without him looking you blow Donnie a kiss as he heads out the window.

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