When he goes to highschool (Raph)

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You were in P.E. Listening to the teacher explain how to play dodgeball. That's the thing with teachers. They think the moment we finish playing, we forget how to play cette game.

"Those are the instructions. Now we have a new student joining us." The teacher says and you look up to see Raph winking at you.

A popular girl/bully stands up and goes over to Raph.

"Hi! I'm Amanda!! I will show you around the school if you want?" she says putting on a fake smile.

"No thanks. I would rather (Y/N) did." He says and you blush.

"Why would you want a little bit-" Raph interrupts. "She's my girlfriend! I suggest you stop making fun of her or I will stop making you breathe." Raph says and you can't help but laugh a little at her reaction.

"Introduce yourself." The teacher says.

"My name is Hamato Raphael. Call me Raph." He says.

The rest of the day was awesome. Though, he had a lot of homework that he's forcing you to help him with.

"Do you like high school?" You ask him and he nods.

He brushes some (H/C) out of your face and kisses you. "I hope you know your helping me." He says and you giggle.

"Yeah I know...." You say.

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