When you think about him

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Leo 😎

You were in math thinking about the day you and Leo were watching Space Heroes. You had a huge crush on this turtle. His blue eyes, cute smile, and the expressions he makes when you guys are watching Space Heroes.

"Alright and... (Y/N). Give us the answer." The teacher asks you.

You weren't paying attention and you were still thinking about Leo so you answer theWhen you think about him

Leo 😎

You were in math thinking about the day you and Leo were watching Space Heroes. You had a huge crush on this turtle. His blue eyes, cute smile, and the expressions he makes when you guys are watching Space Heroes.

"Alright and... (Y/N). Give us the answer." The teacher asks you.

You weren't paying attention and you were still thinking about Leo so you answer the question really wrong, Or so you thought. "The answer is 23.293849101" You were waiting for detention. "Correct!" The teacher says.

Everyone looks at you wide-eyed. You never got anything right. "Hey I'm just as surprised as you guys." You say smirking.


You were with your dad and mom. It was his day off since they just stopped Loki from an invasion. "Ok got any Raph- I mean 2's?" You blush hard realizing what you just said. "Ok (Y/N). Who's Raph?" Your dad and mom say.

"Ok... He's a guy I met and I have a really big crush on him. He's strong like me, has a lot of Japanese weapons. Beautiful green eyes. Hot headed like me. And his brothers are also very annoying!" You smile and Vern glares at you.

"Oh well he sounds lovely!" Your mom says.

"If he hurts you tell me and I'll-" your dad tries to say but you cut him off. "He is very nice to me."

'Oh if he knew how much he meant to me...'

Donnie boy 🎓

You woke up the next morning thinking about Donnie. You pulled out your diary and starting writing.

Dear Diary,

Man my crush for Donnie keeps getting bigger and bigger. I love his personality, eyes, and smile. Oh his smile is so cute with his little gap tooth. I'm going to text him to see if we can hang out. I like to hang out with him, no, cross that, LOVE to hang with him. We are both into the same things and we both love the Avengers! He's amazing! I wish he liked me back though... I bet he saves millions of girls who feel the same way...


You close your diary. You grab the piece of wood you like to put engravings on with your lightning bolts from your fingers.

One of your finished engravings had a bird and cat playing together in the field. They were your two favourite animals.

You took the new wood and engraved,

Donnie + (Y/N) with a girl and a turtle in a tree holding hands.

Mikestar 🍕

You were skateboarding on a pipe. When Mikey came into your head. That adorable little turtle you had a crush on.

You loved his little freckles, smile, and special vocabulary. Also, how there is finally someone shorter than him.

You fell onto your dad distracted. "Sorry dad!" You get up off him.

"What's got you so distracted?" He asked. "Is it that turtle?"


"I am Spider-Man! I know all!" Your dad does a heroic pose. "No just kidding I met him last night."

"Ok that makes a lot more sense. And yeah I was thinking about him. I may have a little- no huge crush on him. I definitely have a huge crush on him." You dad giggles as your mom walks over with pizza.

"Honey our little (Y/N), has her first crush!" He says.

"Dad!" You take the pizza and give him a glare while taking a bite.

"What? I'm just excited!" He shrugs.

"Well don't be." You reply skateboarding away with your pizza.

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