When you meet again (Donnie)

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You were reading your favourite book and re-wrapping your arm when you hear a knock at the window.

"(Y/N)? It's me Donnie!" The turtle gives you a gaped-tooth smile.

"Hello D!" You open the window for him to come in.

"How's your arm?" He asks examining it. "It's doing good, healing." he smiles. "So what are you doing this fine evening?"

"Reading my favourite book! Divergent! I just finished it and now I have to head all the way to the library to get the second." You reply.

"I have the rest of the series at my house if you want to come by?" You nod.

You ask him what he likes to read. His face goes red and he replies. "Avengers fanfic..." You take a second to let that sink in. But then you burst out laughing.

"Yeah I know it's really embarrassing..." Donnie rubs the back of his me neck.

"No! It's not embarrassing! It's just that... Well my dad is um... Thor."

Donnie's eyes widened.

"YOUR PART FREAKING GOD?!?!?" He shakes your shoulders.

"Well I'm all human... I didn't get anything from my dad except for this..." You shoot a lightning bolt from your hand.

"That is so cool! Anyway, lets go!" You put on a sweater and head into the cold night.

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