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Then the school bell rang indicating break time that just finished... Yeonjun, Roro and everyone was getting ready to go back to class... Just then Taehyun got panicked...

"Guys?" Taehyun called.. "Yeah say..." Beomgyu said.. "It's math class now..." Taehyun said and Beomgyu's cup of juice on his hand got dropped... "We should hurry and hide their bags..!!!" Yeonjun said...

"Aish! Thank lord I don't have his have that guy's class today.. He is a living hell!" Roro said being relief for today... Everyone run to their class and they understood that they are late to do something because they saw Mr. Kim Namjoon aka their most dangerous professor already came....

Taehyun, Hueningkai and Beomgyu stood in front the door... "May we come in sir?" Yeonjun said... He looked at them and didn't said something he just nodded...

It was the most shocking thing... Then they all sat on their bench.. After sitting.. Taehyun the smart guy with his big eyes noticed that Y/N & Soobin's bag was on the ground beside their teacher...

"Shoot! He already took it!" Taehyun said silently being frustrated.. Hueningkai looked at him then at bags... He also gone depressed.. Beomgyu saw the bags too and slapped his forhead...

Their prof. Kim was teaching the lessons.. After a long boring time......

After his class finished, He announced something.. "Tomorrow your class will have new student, she studied here before but she had to go somewhere that's why she couldn't attend..." He finished and left the class with their bags... Hueningkai gulped seeing that...

"Yah Gyu, they are doomed!" Huening said...

But everyone is thinking that why he announced why not our class teacher?

"Who would it be?" Taehyun said.. "I wonder too!" Beomgyu said excited...

Meanwhile, the two new couples were in front of a cotton candy cart and ordered it for them... Soobin handed one stick to Y/N and he took one..

They were walking and roaming around... Then they found a park with lots of trees and had shades... They went inside and sat under a big tree...

While eating cotton candy, Soobin got some on his nose... Y/N noticed it and laughed a bit.. "What?" Soobin asked.. "My bunny buddy looks like real one.." Y/N said and smiled at his cuteness... Y/N removed that from his nose... After finishing it,

They were talking about random stuffs as always.... Then Y/N lied on his lap... "I'm tired, I'm gonna enjoy this environment.." Y/N said...

Soobin was looking at her with loving eyes.. He was whipped over her.. "Yah! We became couple but didn't kissed!" Soobin said in teasing way... Y/N ignored his words because it feels awkward to her...

"You are ignoring me now?" Soobin said.. Y/N smiled while closing her eyes feeling Soobin's jealousy.. "Okay then, if you regret later I'm not the one to get punished..." Soobin said...

"May I?" Soobin said but Y/N was still closing her eyes.. Just then he bend down to his lap facing Y/N upside down.. Their face was inches away... Soobin made his way to her lips...

Then he put his lips onto hers... Y/N's eyes are now wide open.. Soobin closed his eyes getting into passion in his first kiss... He moved his lips but didn't got response from her... Because Y/N got imto Ice age becoming ice... She was too shocked to do that...

Soobin pulled out with pout on his lips being disappointed... He sat and looked at her.. She was still in that position... Then she looked at him and saw pout on his lips..

Then she sensed why, she got up and sat on his lap.. Soobin's eyes gone widened..  She looked at him and put her lips on his... Soobin smiled between the kiss... They were not cringing but they were looking cute together...

Their kiss was full of love in it....

After some time they pulled out... They looked at each other and smiled lovingly, because love was in the air...

Then she tried to get up from his lap but he was holding her tightly.. "Let's stay like this for sometimes.." Soobin said and put his head on her head...

They were like this for 2 minutes.. Y/N was about to move a bit because it was uncomfortable to stay at the same position. Just then Soobin got panicked.. "Don't move!" Soobin said.. "Why?" Y/N got confused ... "Let's go home now it's getting evening.." He smiled nervously.. She got up from his lap as well as Soobin...

Yeonjun got home after sending Roro home.. He was tensed about his sister because he heard that their bag was taken by Mr. Kim... Then it's getting dark outside and she still didn't came... He started to bit his nails...

After sometimes, the door bell rang...

He got up being relief and opened the door revealing two love birds holding hands standing their smiling...


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