chapter 1: As it will begin, it will end,

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Englesh Galactic

"Come on, we only have half an hour to shower and eat," a young boy, who look to be on the older side of 13, started as they ever so patiently waited for a black-haired boy, who looked to be on the younger side of 13, to get dressed.

"It's not my fault they don't give us enough time in the morning!" the younger complained, once again, as he pulled off his red jumper.

The golden blond child only rolled his eyes and crossed his arms as he leaned against the door. "Well, if you would have woken up sooner we would have had more time to shower, AND, we could finally get to breakfast on time, Zezy"

Zera glared at the older boy and opened his mouth to probably tell him to shut up, but promptly closed it when his red and blue eyes drifted to the older's forearm.

The older stiffened as he followed Zera's gaze.

Just enough of his sleeve was pulled up to reveal a fresh purple bruise. The thirteen-year-old moved his body, allowing the sleeve of his cloak to drop and hide the bruise.

The older mentally kicked himself as he cleared his throat, getting his roommate's attention, before raising an eyebrow.

Zera quietly looked away.

The child huffed, but then appeared to calm down as he rubbed his palm over the place where the doorknob should have been. He did his best to remain steady as his friend complained more.

"Well it's not my fault that all the alarms are set at 5:30," Zezy whined as he finally finished pulling his cloak on.

The older loudly sighed as he pushed open their door and smacked the black hair child's shoulder.

Zera responded to the playful assault by "lightly" shoving the golden-haired pre-teen out of the room and into their dorm hallway. Both of them couldn't help but laugh and shove each other as they stumbled to the cafeteria.


"I hate this class," the golden hair boy muttered in broken Galactic as they sat down, he was absent-mindedly rubbing at his sore arm.

"Yeah, well, you'll get into even more trouble If you don't try harder in it," Zezy groaned as he flopped down across his desk.

The barely older child rolled his eyes, "Yeah, no duh,"

The other kids in the room turned to look at him, their eyes widening. And, for a long moment, no one dared to breathe.

Seeing his short life flash before his eyes, the child loudly sighed as miss 'Welcome To My Personal Hell' cleared her throat, apparently teleporting next to him.

He didn't bother to look up as he rolled up his sleeve and held out his swollen red and purple arm to her.

The woman glared at him as she raised her pointer stick and brought it down as hard as she could against the child's swollen arm. The 13-year-old didn't even flinch as the sound of a ruler hitting flesh loudly rang out through the quiet room.

"Xelqua," miss Kqlas started, sounding as disappointed as ever.

"Kqlas," the small child, Xelqua, as it was, responded as he finally glanced over at her; before having to do a double take.

Standing next to her as tall, and unaffected as ever, was Axry.

The tall man looked at the golden-blonde child and sighed. "It's been six months, Xelqua, and yet you still keep slipping up?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

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