Chapter 17: The Void Wears A Crown Of Forget Me Nots

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{{Arthurs note: I'm a good Christian girl uwu, and there will be blood. TW for: a vague flashback to the torture/rat (If you know you know) scene from KOV.}}

It was dark. The glowing rift-like portal was the only thing that was lighting up their little garden room.

The golden-haired boy exhaled softly, and took a moment to memorize the silhouette that sat a few inches beside him.

A moment passed, then Sitruat turned around and looked at Xelqua with his breathtaking heterochromatic eyes.

Though Xelqua could barely make out Sitruat's expression in the dark room, the look in his red and blue eyes told Xelqua that, even after everything, Sitruat didn't blame him.

So, they just sat there, staring at each other as a silent greeting past them.

Xelqua stared into Sitruat's eyes and tried to find the words to say to make it all go away. To make the hollowness in his chest fill up.

But in the end, as Xelqua opened his mouth and stared into those unholy eyes, there was only one thing that he could say.

"Zera, I'm-" but he was cut off,

"I still can't believe you listened to the Necronomicon." Sitruat said softly, somewhere between a joke and a "You are a dumbass".

Xelqua froze, then, and like a tidal wave, laughter burst from him.

"What?! I didn't listen to that book!" Xelqua laughed as a smile spread across Sitruat's face, lighting his beautiful ungodly red and blue eyes up.

"Oh really now?" Sitruat laughed, raising an eyebrow as he gave Xelqua that smug smirk.

"I was possessed!" Xelqua defended as he leaned over and punched Sitruat's shoulder lightly.

Sitruat shrugged, "Yeah, but you still fucked them afterward." he chuckled, pushing Xelqua's hand away with a dorky smile playing on his lips.

Xelqua only laughed harder and pushed his body into Sitruat's side.

Sitruat laid his head on Xelqua's shoulder as their giggling slowly fell into a humorless silence as they remembered their past all to well.

Sitruat looked over and gave Xelqua a small sad smile as they both felt the buzzing of the living night around them.

Sitruat reached forward and held Xelqua's hand, intertwining their fingers like he had always done when they were watching the void shift. Xelqua smiled back as he held Sitruat's hand, excepting his warm embrace.

The void shifted. 

Slowly, Sitruat's hand tightened around Xelqua's as Xelqua took a deep breath.

The one winged creature shifted. 

"What's wrong?" Zezy asked softly, his shoulder nudging into Xelqua's as he sat up slightly.

Trying to form the words that hunted him, Xelqua looked over at Sitruat.

"This isn't real," Xelqua whispered, the sudden weight of that meaning crashing down unto him like no other.

Xelqua watched as Sitruat's eyes flashed, then darkened.

He nodded slowly, "You're half right, but it's a bit more complicated then that. But you know that, don't you, love?" he asked, his tone was lower than it usually was, but it held no blame, only love and understanding.

Xelqua nodded as he looked back to the swirling portal.

"Then why?" Sitruat asked, his voice soft.

Xelqua sighed, "I'm sorry." his voice was shaking, yet his body was deathly still.

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