Chapter 19: The Beginning Of The End, part 2/2

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TW for: *Can I consider this grooming? 

*Grian has gone fucking insane (He had lost his mind a long time ago tho...) 

*Flogging (mentioned), 

*Biblical angels, *Abusive parents/gaslighting.

*Grian fucking regressed into his high school self 

Grian sat in the dark room, not entirely sure how much time had passed since he was taken there. His best guess would have to be a few days. And his worst? A few years.

His entire body hurt like a bitch on steroids, though it wasn't even close to the most painful experience he had gone through throughout his bitch of a life.

Grian sighed and fixed his position, the sound of moving chains echoed through the empty room like wind chimes.

He felt, but didn't really care, as his shackles dug into his ankles and wrists.

'A few days,' Grian laughed to himself bitterly at the thought, and pointedly ignored the sharp stabbing pain in his stomach as he mindlessly fiddled with his chains.

Grian knew he should have cared more about the hunger pain, or about the chains that dug so deep into his wrists that he was sure that (if they could) they would be bleeding, or, hell, even the fact that he was locked up in the same room he was when he tried to fly away from the Watchers.

But yet none of that seemed to matter to him now.

At least this was better than being trapped in a dungeon with those godforsaken Rats.

The only thing Grian could really complain about was how UTTERLY BORED HE WAS.

He was so bored, in fact, that he felt a ping of excitement when he heard footsteps rigging outside of his cell wall.

And as one of the most horrible people Grian had ever met opened his cage door and looked at him, he couldn't help but give her a real smile.

"Xyia!" Grian greeted with a sickly sweet voice.

Xyia frowned. And oh how godly it was! The way her face twisted in hatred and discussed when she looked at him. The way her eyes ever so slightly flashed with fear when she saw Xelqua's smile!

It was worth all of the moments alone just to see that priceless face!

"Are you here to play our little game?" Grian asked, keeping his voice high-pitched and excited just so he could see the way she flinched.

Now, don't get it wrong. If Grian had the choice, he would rather die than be here for another day; but no such option was available for him.

Even if he hated having to play the part of a happy giddy person, in the end, it was worth it.

She was scared of him. And that was all that mattered

But then again, who wouldn't be scared of someone who just laughs as you desperately tried to flog them?

Besides, he would rather be beaten than be bored.

Grian watched with glee as Xyia gritted her teeth, "No." she growled.

He blinked, his smile falling ever so slightly, "Oh? Why not?" he asked, tilting his head to the side like some puppy dog.

Even though acting like that made him want to throw up, the way Xyia visibly flinched and tore her eyes away from him made it all worth it.

She was silent and stepped back as a new pair of footsteps rang out.

Grian blinked, that was new. It was usually only Xyia that came to see him. Grian didn't know fully how he should act, the only reason he acted crazy like this was because it unnerved her, but now that there was someone else to deal with he was unsure how to proceed.

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