Chapter 21: As it will begin, it will end;

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""Find me at the world's edge, where it began, and where it will end.""




{{TW for: Cannibalism, Survivor's guilt, Guilt in general, PTSD and C-PTSD.}}

The ancient trees' branches cracked as they moved through the stagnant Winter air.

The only warmth around him came from Ray, who had finished eating and was now curled up against his side, biting on a bone.

His brothers and sisters brushed against him as they tore apart their prey.

A rustling came from the trees again, and The Creature Cloaked In Black felt his kin still beside him.

Licking the blood from his lips, The Creature turned away from his meal and greeted their new guest.

A soft black silhouette of a cat's body stared at them from the tree line, the cat's skull hung loosely from their head, there was a dull red glow coming from withen their eye sockets.

The Cat's ear flickered as a soft sound escaped from the back of The Creature Cloaked In Black's throat. The Creature didn't recognize the Cat. And judging by the way the Cat's fur bristled, they didn't recognize The Creature ether.

Ray- who was munching on a bone- raised her head at the sound The Creature made, and looked at the Cat. Ray's fur bristled as well as a deep dying-like sound called through her cut open throat.

The Creature glanced over at her, "Calm," he soothed, before turning his eyes back to the Cat. Ray rumbled once more, then went back to chewing on her bone.

The Creature eyed the red glow from with in the Cat's eye soket as he slowly reached down and ripped out a chunk of flesh from their fresh hunt, before he carefully threw it at them.

In a flash of white unnaturally sharp teeth, the Cat caught the red dripping piece of flesh, before jumping to the next tree branch and disappearing into the shadows.

The Creature smiled as he listened to them moving through the darkness as the cat slowly made their way to the ground.

Clicking his tongue, The Creature then watched as the Cat emerged from the shadows, walking lightly on the uneven ground as they carefully approached his pack.

Licking the blood off of his fingers, The Creature watched the cat-like shape creep forward one more step; before stopping and staring at him.

Shifting the dear skull mask in his lap, The Creature made a low grumbling sound in his chest.

The Cat tilted their head, before their chest vibrated with the same deep sound.

The Creature's shoulders shook with a silent chuckle as he watched the Cat's form start to twist and flicker.

The body of the cat seemed to break as the black substance that made up their body started to expand and shift.

Color bled through their tar-black body as the "Cat" morphed into a vaguely human shape. Pale skin and strawberry blond hair were the first to come, next was a black cloak with golden seams, before large antlers sprouted from their head, and a single wildfire wing stretched out from their back and side.

The last part that formed in their new body was the eyes.

A red and emotionless gaze met him as an identical smile spread across their face.

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