Chapter 10: Do You Want To Be A Pirate With Me?

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The air was heavy and dry with the fall - turning to winter- air. The smell of old paper, books, and memories of the long-forgotten past stilled the air as if time itself had frozen. The smell of old ash and smoke still lingered in the old wood as well.

Xelqua sighed, and touched his left forearm, running his fingers down where the gold and the pale red scar should have been under his thick sleeve. He was trying to read a book on magic theory.

Keyword, trying. He would have been reading it if it wasn't for the FUCKING SPLITTING PAIN IN HIS GODFORSAKEN BACK.

Xelqua reached back and ran his fingers over the long spots between his shoulder blades that had been the reason for almost ALL of his troubles for the past week.

It felt like someone had shoved a dagger into his back and torn it down his spine. It was so bad that Xelqua could barely focus in class without wanting to cry.

If Xelqua could, he would have stolen some painkillers, but he knew he couldn't outrun Xyia with this god-forsaken pain that ate at him every second of the day.

And so now here he was, trying to catch up on what they learned so that he can keep his grades over a C- and won't get starved again. 

'Which should be a good plan if I could fucking focus, but no, instead I get this god damn pain.'

Xelqua would have screamed if it wasn't for it being day, and that people would hear him. Instead, he just dug his fingers into the spot of horrid pain in his back and tried to focus on anything but it.

Someone spoke his name, and it filled the room like venom.

Xelqua jumped and tried to stand up and look behind him, but the chair rocked and tilted. The older teen panicked as the chair tipped over. But before he could swear or fall to his supposed death, someone caught him.

The older boy's breath was knocked out of his lungs as the younger boy grabbed hold of Xelqua's upper arm and hooked an arm around his waist. The chair clatter to the ground.

They- the person who saved Xelqua's life just then- looked over Xelqua with wide soft red and blue eyes as he held him off of the ground. The only way to describe them was as if they were doing a tango dip.

Xelqua swallowed down a curse as adrenaline rushed through his body. He let out a shaky breath as he held onto their upper arm, "Oh fuck, Zezy, you just saved my life..." Xelqua breathed, smiling up at him.

Sitruat smiled back at him, though he was shaking worse than Xelqua was. Xelqua laughed at how cute Sitruat's expression of fear was as he let himself down from Sitruat's hold and picked up the chair.

"Now," Xelqua began, turning the chair the right way and sitting down, "Do you need something?" he asked, bookmarking the page he was on and shutting the barely-read book.

Sitruat was still for a moment, frozen in place from when he caught Xelqua. Then he blinked "OH, oh yeah, Ummm..." He flashed to life and started sputtering in English. Xelqua raised an eyebrow and waited.

Sitruat looked at Xelqua again, "I'm... Well... I don't need anything..." He rubbed the back of his neck.

Xelqua hummed "Speke Galactic, Zezy. And if it's nothing, then go back to lunch. It's a special day for you, and you should enjoy it," Xelqua said, turning back to his book.

Sitruat didn't move as he watched Xelqua with soft red and blue eyes, though his face was pitched in a soft pain. "I'm not hungry," Sitruat said, pulling out a chair from beside Xelqua and sitting down.

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