chapter 18: The Begening Of The End, part 1/2

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It was sinful, and he was unholy to his very core. But none of the guilt of what he had done, of who he had disobeyed and what he had remembered, was there the next day when Grian woke up in their bed; with Taurtis in his arms.

Blinking away the last traces of sleep, Grian looked down at the black-haired boy who was sleeping with his face buried into Grian's chest.

Grian's wings stretched and fluttered before he wrapped them around the sleeping boy.

Taurtis's body was warm, almost feverishly hot against Grian's corpse-cold skin. Grian felt Taurtis's bare skin brush over his own as Taurtis stretched out like a cat.

Grian hummed as Taurtis's arms stretched past his head before Taurtis nuzzled his face into the crook of Grian's neck.

His warm lips pressed into Grian's skin, making small little movements as Taurtis's fingers began to creep up and move into Grian's golden hair.

Shifting his wings, Grian hummed softly and glanced over at the alarm clock.

They still had 30 minutes or so before it went off.

Rolling his shoulders, Grian melted back into the bed and ran his finger down the scars he gave Taurtis, tracking them down his spine.

Teeth gently scraped against Grian's caller bone as Taurtis softly began to bite at his neck.

Grian chuckled as Taurtis nibbled at his skin, "What are you doing?" he asked, his hand dragging back up his lover's neck and into his ash hair.

Taurtis muttered something before shifting and biting his way up Grian's neck. Grian sighed, and brushed his free hand over Taurtis's bare hip-

A stray thought about them both being naked slipped into Grian's mind. However, it was immediately disregarded as Taurtis peppered sleepy kisses and love bites up Grian's jawline.

Grian sighed as Taurtis began to kiss the corner of his lips, "I'm going to need a proper answer, Taurtis" he said breathlessly.

Taurtis shifted, sitting up and trapping Grian's hips between his own. "Showing you my love," he breathed before he began to kiss up Grian's cheek.

Grian closed his eyes as Taurtis began to kiss his cheekbone, and then his eyelid.

"You do that every day," Grian jokingly whined, then giggled as Taurtis pressed light kisses onto his eyebrow.

"Yeah, but today is different," Taurtis cooed, his hands moving down from Grian's hair and slowly cupping his jaw.

"How so?" Grian giggled as Taurtis's kisses tickled his ear and cheek.

Taurtis pulled away and smiled softly at Grian, his blue and red eyes peering into his own dreamily.

"Because it's you," he said simply, staring into Grian's eyes like they were the most priceless of jewels.

Grian smiled, ready to ask what he meant before Taurtis pressed his lips into his. Grian's breath cought in his lungs when the memories of last night poured in like lava.

He felt the way Taurtis smiled against his lips before pulling away.

Grian smiled back as his heartbeat (or lack of)  reverberated through his empty... No, his full chest. Grian's magic sparked and swirled in the air as a giggle spilled out of his lips.

Every bit of his unclothes skin tingled and sparked as he watched Taurtis's smile grow as well.

Grian rubbed his thumbs into Taurtis's bare waist before he craned his neck up and kissed Taurtis back.

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