Chapter 15: Marionette

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{{TW for: a vague reference to the rat scene in KOV (If you know you know.)

"Do you want me to preen your wings before we go?" "Zezy" asked as Xelqua stared at his reflection in the mirror.

Xelqua shrugged, "Do you think we have the time?" he asked, running his hand over the dorsal bone of his wing, wondering whether or not he should hide them.

Out of the corner of his eye, Xelqua watched Sitruat frown. Sitruat stood up and walked over to Xelqua. Xelqua watched Sitruat's eyes brighten with a dumbass idea as he gave Xelqua that sly smile of his.

Xelqua wondered what Sitruat was up to before Sitruat draped his arms around Xelqua's waist. Sitruat's chin fell onto Xelqua's shoulder and his chest pressed into Xelqua's back and wings.

And the way Sitruat's chest pushed down Xelqua's wings was... oh gods, to all that was unholy, it was definitely a new sensation. And a really good one at that.

Xelqua sighed, not bothering to put up a fight at the affection, and rested his head against Sitruat's. Despite himself, Xelqua smiled as he looked at Zera through their reflections. Sitruat found Xelqua's eyes and, even in the reflection of a mirror, he held them.

Sitruat smiled back at him, and oh if only the gods existed, the way he smiled at Xelqua.

It was the same smile that came with the words "I want you".

And something about that made Xelqua's legs feel weak underneath him.

"We look good together," Sitruat breathed. And, even Xelqua had to admit it, Sitruat was right. They looked picture perfect, even with Xelqua's underdeveloped wings and the single thin scar that ran up Sitruat's jaw, pared with Sitruat's matching red and blue hearing ads (The red hearing ad was on Sitruat's blue eyes side, and vice versa with the red one).

Sitruat's hands fell down Xelqua's waist as he turned to look at him. Not through the mirror, but at his flesh and bone. And Xelqua met him halfway through. The same feeling as before followed their movements, satisfaction and pleasure erupted from the places where their skin touched the others.

Sitruat's back straightened as he lifted his body so that they were at eye level.

His eyes closed, and Xelqua followed suit. Xelqua's hands fell and rested against Sitruat's arms as Sitruat's hands dipped into the curve of Xelqua's sex line. Sitruat was so close that Xelqua could feel his breath tickling his lips. And-

And this was wrong,

And this was the only thing that was right.

Xelqua move to close the small distance between them, they were so close that he could-


Xelqua's wings flared and hit Sitruat in the face as their alarm blared.

"Jesus- FUCK! I hate that thing!" Xelqua yelled as Sitrust rubbed his cheek and looked confused and lost.

Xelqua slammed his fist down on the off button. Cursing it out for disrupting the both of them.

"Xel, feathers in your hair," Zezy muttered to him as he fixed his long black hair into a pony tale and began to get dressed for the day.

For a moment, the world seemed to stop around Xelqua as he took in his friend's changes. Xelqua couldn't help but feel disappointed at Zera's long hair, untouched jawline, and lack of hearing ads.

Xelqua sighed, then punched the alarm clock once again, before he picked the feathers out of his hair as he began to get ready for the day as well.


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