character 9: Dawn

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A moment passed as Xelqua watched her, her strawberry- no, her hay-colored hair fell down across her shoulders and swayed as she moved. Then another moment passed, and Xelqua counted the similarities between them.

Her footsteps stuttered, and she looked over her shoulder at Xelqua, her cloud gray-blue eyes meeting his.

A breath escaped Xelqua, and his eyes slipped shut.


His name escaped her lips, only to be stolen away by the spring wind.

"What are you going to do?" she asked, her hair blowing like amber fire in the gentle wind.

His footsteps stuttered before he turned around and met her sky-blue eyes. Or, at least this world's version of "sky blue" which looked mostly just gray and lifeless.

"Guarden," he simply breathed, as he watched her standing there so viscerally full of life.

She frowned, her red-rimmed eyes glistening with tears that threaten to fall down her cheeks.

"That's not my name, now answer the question-" once again she said his name, only for it to be stolen from her - "Please..." the wind whipped at her hair, making it look like the flames of a golden fire.

The grass seemed to be a bit greener where she was standing, and the trees moved with the breeze that refused to touch him.

'How could this world touch her so? Why did the sun break over her, brightening the very earth around her, but keep me in the shadows of this cursed dead Earth?'

He walked in the shadows, while she stood tall in the light.

He almost felt envious of her.

But he couldn't.

A tear broke loose from her right eye and fell loosely down her cheek as he remembered why he could never feel that way about her.

So , he sighed and opened his arms and felt her weight crashing into him in a bone-crushing hug.

He closed his eyes and felt her warmth almost set in.


Xelqua opened his eyes and watched them rush headfirst into the room. The three teens immediately began to throw open the cabinets and drawers.

"Be careful! Put things back exactly where you found them," Xelqua called, as he turned to set up another sound barrier. The teens muttered an apology and Xelqua hummed when their ruckus quieted down a little.

Xelqua watched the hall for a moment, then smiled to himself, satisfied when he didn't see the white rabbit and turned back to watch the teens do whatever it was that they came here to do.

But he soon became a bit confused when they completely ignored the bandages, health drinks, and the fever reduction, and just kept on looking for something just out of their reach.

"What are... What are you looking for?" Xelqua asked as they opened and shut the cabinet and drawer doors erratically.

"Medicine," Zqxthwa responded as they opened a drawer full of painkillers, looked over it for a moment, and then closed it.

"What kind of medicine?" Xelqua asked, stepping forward, "Like, painkillers or fever reductants?" he continued, trying to get their attention as they seemed to ignore anything and everything that was of use.

Qakel stopped and looked at him. "Something that would help with eye pain? Or something to help with a high fever," she said, before turning back to do whatever she thought she was doing.

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