Chapter 7: Sitruat.

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"Why the hell am I still alive?"

-Was the first thing Xelqua growled as he woke up and felt pain blossom through his back, ribs, and under his chest.

The small teen was laying in an infirmary bed, his eyes still closed against the bright lights. The room was, well, exactly what an infirmary would look like if the room was a circle.

23 Hospital beds lined the round walls, but only 11 of those beds were being used.

The only Watcher in the room, a doctor by the looks of her white cloak, froze as the teen's first waking words echoed through the room.

She slowly looked over at the golden-haired teen, startled. Xelqua, on his part, slowly opened his eyes as well to look over at the raven-haired Watcher.

The Docter sucked in a breath as a smile broke out across her soft features. She laughed, and Xelqua thought it was a strange thing to hear after being impaled, And even stranger, Xelqua found that the sound made him smile

Xelqua gave her a strangled-looking smile as she walked over to him. "That's a new one, most people ask if this is the afterlife," the Docter said, leaning forward and brushing the hair out of Xelqua's eyes. Her fingers were as cold as Death's, but Xelqua didn't complain about being able to see better.

"The afterlife doesn't exist, and if it did, I sure as hell wouldn't be going to it," Xelqua muttered as he wiggled his fingers and then his toes. Nothing seemed to be broken or out of place.

The teen tried to sit up, then gasped as pain shot through his body. The pain spread like poison in his veins, burning his body with a cold fire. Xelqua struggled to breathe again as the doctor gently laid him back down.

Xelqua glared up at the ceiling as the world went in and out of focus.

As the pain died down, the teen tried to look around, but a splitting pain stopped Xelqua dead in his tracks once again.

The Docter sighed, "You know, you haven't changed at all, Xelqua," Xelqua snapped his head to look at her, a retort on his lips, ("I have you know, I've become more of a bastard,") but was stopped again as he felt the repercussions of his actions.

Xelqua held his head and groaned, barely holding back a string of swears and curses.

The Watcher hummed and gave him something that looked like blood to drink. Xelqua took up her offer, for some fucking reason, and downed the sweet liquid in one go. His skull began to pound less sharply and more like cotton than bone as the ache subsided.

It was strange and new, but Xelqua didn't fully mind it, despite how uncomfortable it was.

The Docter raised an eyebrow as Xelqua let his head roll back. "Better?" She asked. 

Xelqua nodded.

Smiling, she put the empty glass bottle on the side table, "Don't worry, dizziness and a horrible headache are normal after being revived for the first time," the Doctor explained, lifting Xelqua's head and putting another pillow under his head so he could look around.

Xelqua closed his eyes as the room began to spin once again. "Revived?" he echoed, rubbing his sore and unfocused eyes. The Doctor nodded, "Yeah, I can't do much about the other side effects, but that should have helped with the pain."

Xelqua opened his eyes, his vision blurred and fuzzed at the edges.

He looked down at his bandaged chest and stomach, and blinked slowly. Xelqua couldn't look away from the blood that soaked into the bandages that were sloppily wrapped over his chest and shoulder.

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