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They stared at the shifting portal, counting the stars within the soft glowing purple.

They blinked once, twice, then remembered why they came.

"A Wish," their voice rang out in the air around them like a gunshot. "I want to make a wish," they said, stepping closer into the light.

The portal's sound merely vibrated in the air as its light grew brighter.

The hooded figure's thousands of eyes blinked as one, their single wing pulling into themself as they tried not to think of their rising dread.

"I wish I could see him again," they whispered, squeezing their eyes shut as the portal blared its light out at full blast.

One thought rang threw their head then, and they knew for a fact that it wasn't their own.

Then step inside.

Their vision began to blur as they took a step forward. Even as white filled their eyes, they couldn't stop their feet from moving.

And then it was all gone, once again.

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