Chapter 6: Drowning

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{{TW for: blood, guts, character death, kids killing kids, suicide. This entire chapter is a gore warning, so if you don't want to read blood and guts, just skip and ask for a TL;DR. THIS IS THE ONLY WARNING.}}

The small room was silent. Cold blue and grey stone walls surrounded them, encroaching on their last breaths together. It was as if the air itself was heavy with a sense of sadness, suffocating the only warmth left in the children's bodies.

One of the small teens, a boy with golden hair and dim eyes that once burned with wildfire, held a black-haired boy close, feeling his heart beating against his chest.

The golden-haired child, barely even sixteen, kissed the fifteen-year-old's head as his shoulders shook. The knowing that Zera might never reach his 16th birthday was the only thing Xelqua could think of as he held his friend close.

The quiet room was all they knew from the past 10 or so minutes, that and the quiet choked breathing that left the others ever so often. That was untel a sob broke through the suffocating silence.

Zqxthwa held Nimy tight as Nimy began to cry. Zqxthwa rocked her back and forth and whispered sweet nothings into Nimy's hair as they broke out into a sob as well.

Tears began to grow in the golden-haired teen's eyes as more sobs broke out in the once silent room.

Qakel desperately wiped at her eyes as she leaned back onto Xelqua and held the other two triplets, Qokul and Omay, closer.

A pained whimper broke from Xelqua's lips as tears fell from his eyes. He didn't want to hurt them.

He never wanted to kill anyone.

'Is this my punishment?'

Xelqua broke out into a sob as the soft words filled his head. His small, ever so small, shoulders hunched as he hid Zera away from the world in his arms.

Xelqua choked on his own breath as he struggled to breathe. He looked, and felt, so small and weak. Helpless to stop what was going to happen from happening.

The golden-haired teen sobbed out another broken cry.

He knew he could do nothing to stop it, but still- But still Xelqua's chest felt like someone had ripped into it and tore it apart. 

His lungs were ripped to shreds by broken glass, and the only thing he could do was hold his friend closer, knowing full well that it wouldn't stop Zera from being dragged away to kill, or be forced to kill.

"Grief is like drowning in an ocean," Yes, but that never prepared anyone from the way the waves would crash unto you, or how the current would pull you down, deeper and deeper intel nothing would remain of the light.

Blue darkness would surround you, stinging your eyes with salt, crushing your lungs with pressure. And you know that you would need to breathe, that holding your breath would feel like broken glass cutting your lungs.

And you know the moment you try to breathe, you will inhale water and it will all be over

Blinded by the darkness, you don't know what way is up or down, but you need to breathe, so you try to swim up. You will swim for what feels like forever with your fastly draining consciousness, and if you picked the right way, you will break the surface. 

"Finally," you would think, "Finally, I can breathe," but before you can even try, that's when another wave will come crashing down onto you, and you'll be pulled under once again.

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