Chapter 13: The Rising Dawn

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Xelqua picked at the red fuzzy sweater he was forced into an indiscernible amount of time ago as he stood in front of the mirror for normal reasons. He smiled to himself as he basked in the feeling of being wrapped in a cloud.

His wings fluttered- Or, ...he fluttered his wings? Xelqua didn't fully know what it was, but it felt good to move his wings in a giddy motion when something soft and warm was against his skin.

In general, Xelqua thought it felt nice to feel the new bones and muscles stretching in his wings.

Xelqua looked at his darkening wing and stretched it out to its full distance, the wing reached just slightly past his hand.

The new weight on his back already felt so familiar, and the ungodly way the new bones shifted against his back and skin made him want to flutter them more.

Twisting his wing in front of him, Xelqua ran his fingers over the needle-like feathers, which kind of just looked like thin bones, that had grown a lot bigger.

He moved his fingers up and under the softer circular feathers that had started to grow in last night. By all accounts, his wings resembled those of a nestings.

'Would that make me a nesting?'  Xelqua smiled at the thought, it was absurd, but it made him wonder what kind of bird he would be, or was, for that matter.

What would his wings look like full-grown, if they ever did stop growing. Would they get much bigger than this? How long are they going to be growing for? And most importantly, can he fly with them?

'Would it even matter?'

Xelqua frowned at that thought.

Looking over his wings, Xelqua noticed how shabby and crooked the feathers were. The others hadn't even grown their wings yet, Xelqua was the first to sprout, two weeks before the others at that.

Then, the realization that no one even knew that he already had his wings hit Xelqua at full force.

He hadn't even seen anyone for the past few weeks because of how sensitive his wings were, and he had only been eating in his room.

He looked over his long and unbalanced wing. He hadn't fully gotten used to controlling them, especially when they keep growing. Every day It was always something new for him to get used to.

Xelqua looked back into the mirror and stretched his wings out to their full three and a half feet. The red sweater matched them nicely, and it kept him warm in his magic for now.

Looking over at his sleeping boy, whose long hair dripped over the bed, Xelqua began to calculate. In two days, give or take, Zera's wings would come. Xelqua's stomach dropped a bit at that, but all he could do was shake off the thought and sit down next to the sleeping teen, fiddling with the sweater.

Running his fingers over the bottom rim of the red sweater brought Xelqua a strange calm. The texture felt nice, but when he felt something bumpy in it he stopped. It felt like a thin sheet of something.

Xelqua frowned and turned the seem over, there was a slit in it that was tied shut with string. It kind of looked like a pocket.

'That's... definitely strange.'

Xelqua fiddled with the string, he knew that he probably shouldn't open it. It was Zezy's secret to tell, not his. And no matter what, Xelqua was not going to betray his trust by opening it without Zera's knowing consent.

Zezy made a noise. Xelqua dropped the seeming and looked over at the boy as Sitrust rolled over in bed, facing Xelqua.

Xelqua snorted as Sitrust made his waking noises, and reached over and brushed Zera's short hair out of his eyes. His eyes cracked open as he looked at Xelqua, still half asleep. Xelqua's wings stretched out and his feathers prickled as he saw Sitruat's blessed smile.

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