chapter 3: Red Eyes, Pale Face

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'So much for finally getting something to eat,' Xelqua thought to himself as he vomited his guts into the toilet. He didn't know it was possible to feel worse, but here he was, wiping the vile off of his mouth.

Groaning, Xelqua forced himself up and walked to the sink, before he used as much soap as he could to wash the disgusting taste from his mouth.

The child sighed and looked up, catching a glimpse of his reflection in the mirror. 

The kid sluggishly raised one hand and traced the dark circles under his eyes. He bit his cracked and bleeding lip and glared at his reflection as he ran a small hand down his sickly pale skin. Tears fell haphazardly from his puffy red eyes.

His once golden hair was dull and fell lifelessly across his face.

Xelqua couldn't help but laugh, though it came out hollow. Red and blue bruises were swelling on his arm, but that looked like nothing compared to his bandaged arm which was stained with a deep red.

The cut didn't hurt much earlier, but now it hurt worse than his damned hunger pains.

The once white fabric was thickly wrapped around his small arm, starting at the base of his thumb and ending at the cruck of his elbow.

Xelqua couldn't help but wonder just how bad the cut was. Was it deep or shallow? Did it just hit a blood vein? Why was there so much blood?

He rubbed his angry red eyes and decided not to worry about it right now. Xelqua was tired and just wanted to go back to his bed after being forced to leave it all thanks to his broken body not being able to digest food properly after so long.

Xelqua looked at his reflection one last time, then turned to leave. The door swung open, revealing the sign that read "bathroom and showers". He looked over to the connected room. 25 showers lined the walls with only a thin curtain between them.

He remembered when they all first got here and smiled. Everyone was confused, and despite everything, the fact that there was only one large bathroom and showering room for all of them, regardless of gender, was the most talked about and confusing.

Nothing was separated by gender here. They all shared the same changing room, roommates were decided purely on who they were next to in the hospital ward, and they all shared the same uniform. The only thing that changed from person to person was the colors of their embroidery.

Xelqua's smile faded as the feeling of nostalgia left him more empty than the lack of food. He closed his eyes and instead tried to focus on the magic imprint of the dorm hallway.

He could recognize all their magic by now, no matter how strong or weak. It was just the 22 of them. Whether they were in the rooms or not, he couldn't tell, mostly because their magic was all muddled together. But he knew he would be safe even if they saw him.

He stepped out of the room and into the hallway. It was still as dark and empty as it was when he rushed to the bathroom earlier. Xelqua made his way back to his room as fast as he could without waking the others.

The door opened and closed silently behind him. Zera was still fast asleep in the same position Xelqua rolled him to before he left.

Xelqua sighed and carefully rolled his long sleeve down over the dark bandages. Then once again fell into bed beside his roommate.

Zezy stirred and rolled over and smashed his face into Xelqua's chest. "Xel...?" Zera muttered, his eyes still closed. Xelqua put his good arm around him and pulled the covers over them.

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