Chapter 20: The Void

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{{TW for: Loss of limbs}}

Time was moving slowly as he waited for Taurtis to find him.

The Strawberry Blond wasn't sure if black was creeping into his vision, or if the stars in the night sky were just quietly dying out.

The taste of metal in his mouth and the smell of rot permeated through his forest as Xelqua- No, as Grian laid on his back and stared into the overworlds night sky for the first time since he left with the Watchers.

Grian closed his eyes and tried to ignore the smell of blood, and instead tried to find some other smell to focus on. Like the faint scent of the daisies that were growing in the grass around him... Like Silly's daisies shampoo that he always used to steal.

He bit his tongue and tried not to remember the long five minutes he stared at his sister in the war zone that used to be a hospital as they waited for the signal to move forward and join the fight.

Tears began to fill his eyes as Grian tried not to remember the moment he realized he would never see her goofy smile again.

Swallowing down his grief, Grian shifted in the grass and tried not to think of how the bandages dug into his skin, or how empty the left side of his body felt.

For a moment, Grian wondered about what Sam would think, of what he would do if he found out that Grian was no longer tied to him.

But after that moment, the thought passed, and Grian was overtaken by the knowing that Sam could do nothing to him now.

At least he was safe.

More black spots formed in Grian's vision as he smiled.

"I'm sorry, for everything," was all Grian could think to say to the forest around him as his blood soaked into the ground and his single wing wrapped around his cold body.

The last thing The Strawberry Blond remembered was Taurtis and Ray calling out his name as he finally found the clearing Grian had collapsed in after he escaped the Watchers.

Then the world went dark around him.

Grian stared into the uncaring void, a crown of forget-me-nots and golden ivy laying solemnly on his strawberry blond hair, and watched as the uncaring void stared back at him.

Everything was gone.

Their world had been destroyed.

All of the worlds had been destroyed.

And for what?

A book?


The love of his life had died.

The White Rabbit sat at his side

Grian looked down at his hands.

The void swirled, its reds and blues mixing together- shifting the world, or what was left of it, in its wake.

The rabbit's ear twitched, its red eyes turning to look at Grian.

Grian moved to look at the rabbit in turn. His strawberry hair fell into his eyes as the crown of forget-me-nots laid untouched on his head.

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