Chapter 12: The Difference Between an A and S

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Xelqua brushed his fingers through Zezy's hair, smiling to himself as he looked down at the boy who was sleeping against his chest.

Sitrust made a noise and rubbed his face further into Xelqua's chest. He stretched his arms out, brushing his sleep-warmed skin against the human-pillow's (read: Xelqua's) neck as he did.

Zera's legs pushed back as he did a big stretch. Xelqua kissed his forehead before Sitrust nuzzled his nose into his neck and promptly fell back into a soft, sleepy, still. For a moment, Xelqua thought he had fallen back asleep before Zera made another noise and started moving again.

Xelqua raised an eyebrow. 'Is he going to stay asleep or wake up?' Xelqua hummed and stroked his fingertips down Zera's back and spine, encouraging Zera to open his eyes a little further.

He muttered something that sounded like Xelqua's name, but it was so slurred and muddled to the point that he could barely recognize it.

Xelqua ran his hand back up Zera's spine. Zera suddenly stiffened, his heart rate picking up as his breath stopped in his lungs.

"Xelqua?" Zera asked,

"Yeah?" Xelqua responded as he brushed his hands down Zera's back again, being careful not to touch the sore spot between his shoulders.

Sitrust pulled away from his neck and looked up at Xelqua with still half-asleep red and blue eyes. Zera was looking at Xelqua as if Xelqua was covered in blood and gore. "Did you just roofy me with magic?" Zera asked as if Xelqua didn't just do exactly that.

Xelqua shrugged and ran his fingernails carefully over the small of Zera's back. Zera shivered at Xelqua's sharp claws as his strength gave out and he laid his chin on Xelqua's chest, the magic roofy still playing at his consciousness.

Sitrust frowned, muttering something to himself as he pressed his face back into Xelqua's chest. Xelqua smiled at him and kissed his feverish forehead again, remembering the way he screamed.

Xelqua moved his fingertips over the top of Sitrust's hip and felt as the void shifted from a grey to a silver. A shifting in weight and being as the world blurred out of his focus. Sitruat breathed his name as he rocked his hips rhythmically.

Xelqua closed his eyes.

"You're heavy," Xelqua hummed as his fingers trailed back up Sitruat's spine. Xelqua used his other hand to stop the rocking of Sitruat's hips. Sitruat opened his eyes and looked at Xelqua, annoyed clear in his vivid red and blue eyes.

"It's cold," Sitruat muttered, "Where are the blankets?"

"Soaked in blood," Xelqua responded dully. "Do you want me to get you your sweater?" he asked, his hand's working hard to stop Sitruat's hips from moving.

Sitruat shook his head and pressed his face between Xelqua's neck and shoulder. He muffled something, his breath warming Xelqua's skin that was eerily chilled, like Death herself, "I don't have a sweater...?"

Xelqua lowered his hands a little as he processed what Sitruat had just said. Again something shifted, something in his perception changed, something as clear as the difference between an A and S.

The still human-pillow sighed. 'Why can't things just stay still?' he thought to himself as Sitruat's arms wrapped around his neck. Xelqua hummed, his hands creeping down to the mid of the boy using him as a pillow's hips.

"Do you want me to heat up the room?" Xelqua breathed into Sitruat's ear and felt him squirm.

"No, you're warm," Sitruat muttered, sleep eating away at the edges of his voice as his hips began to rock once more.

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