Chapter 2: He Girlboss A Bit Too Close To The Sun

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A week and a half came and gone.

A week and a half of counting his ribs in the middle of the night.

A week and a half ware he was refused all food and could only have water.

A week and a half of hiding hunger pains, and the eating nausea that had gone numb as of recently.

But in the end, this was nothing new. Not to Xelqua, at least.

The golden-haired boy in question sat silently in his room, staring down at a book titled "The Basics Of Magic" with unfocused eyes.

His body swayed as he blinked slowly, his vision only getting foggier as his head began to tilter to the side.

He blinked again, seemingly catching himself, and shook his head.

Xelqua let out a bone-withering sigh as he put the book down, completely giving up on trying to read it.

His hand lingered on the face of the book for a moment. His small fingers curled up as he weakly glared at the book, as if it was the one at fault, and tried desperately to ignore the burning in his eyes.

Xelqua had become much more adept at the basics of magic in the last week, but despite his best efforts, he was still unable to understand how to use it.

Galactic, on the other hand, was a very different matter. He knew he could speak and write it with ease, but every time he turned it in, it was rejected with a red card.

Xelqua knew Kqlas hated him, but...

The golden-haired child bit his lip and tried not to cry as he heard the room door creak open. Zezy stepped in, and quietly closed the door behind him.

Finally taking his hand off of the book, Xelqua tried to shake his grogginess off. "How was dinner?" Xelqua asked in almost perfect galactic, trying not to wince at how ruff his voice sounded. If Zezy noticed, he didn't say anything as he turned to face Xelqua, a shit-eating grin on his face.

In a flash, he rushed to Xelqua's side, yanked something from his robe sleeve, and... Xelqua's brain took a while to catch up with what he was seeing.

It was a loaf of bread.

Xelqua looked back up at Zera, visibly startled and confused as he sat up, "You're not allowed to take food from the cafeteria...?" he trailed off, the pounding in his head making it hard to focus.

Zezy only smiled and shook his head.

He pushed the loaf of bread into Xelqua's hands, and Xelqua stared down at it blankly.

Xelqua looked back up at Zera and blinked. Zera blinked back, shifting on his feet as Xelqua raised an eyebrow. Zera sighed dramatically and Xelqua finally understood.

The child stared at his friend for a long moment, his eyes wide as something about him just softened. Xelqua opened his mouth to say something, hot tears welling up in his eyes.

However, whatever he was about to say was stopped when someone violently banged on their door. A voice from the outside yelled, "Open the door, now!"

Zezy immediately jumped in front of Xelqua as Xelqua panicked and shoved the loaf of bread into his wardrobe.

As the Watcher kicked at the door once more, the two boys locked eyes, Zera appeared to be asking a silent question, and Xelqua was attempting to cover the bread with a layer of clothing.

Xelqua looked over at the shaking door and then back to Zera, he closed his wardrobe and nodded.

Apparently, that was all it took for Zera to understand exactly what Xelqua meant, as he pushed his palm against where the doorknob should have been and let his magic flare slightly.

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