Chapter 14: Feathers

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{{TW for: fluff and blood.}}

"So, what's the plan?" Zezy asked as he laid against Xelqua's chest. His shirt was haphazardly thrown onto the unused bed

"Anesthesia via magic?" Xelqua answered, as he rocked them back and forth with Zera sitting between his legs.

Zezy rested his head on Xelqua's shoulder. Sitrust looked up at him, and Xelqua could have sworn Zera wanted to strangle him.

Sitrust cocked an eyebrow, "Is that really going to work?" he asked, his elbow digging into Xelqua's side as his long black hair fell in waves around him.

Xelqua rolled his eyes and debated pushing Sitrust off of him before he remembered Sitruat's almost identical face looking at him in a way that made his stomach do flips.

"It has too," Xelqua said simply, leaning back and closing his eyes as he silently wished for more than just this.

And then Zera stilled and looked back at Xelqua with wide eyes as his short hair brushed against and tickled Xelqua's collar bone like Ray's fur used to do.

Sitrust smiled, and Xelqua's eyes fluttered open and he had to catch his breath as he was met with the most beautiful longing burning in Sitrust's eyes.

The scar on Sitrust's jaw practically cut through Xelqua's chest.

Sitruat laughed softly, "Murphy's law much?" he breathed with a soft sing-songy tone in his voice. And for a moment, Xelqua wondered if he was the god they all worshipped.

And if he was? 

Well, then Xelqua would gladly join in.

Xelqua chuckled and nuzzled his nose into Sitruat's neck. "Well, if that's the way this bastard of my life goes, then so be it," he, oh so eloquently, responded.

Sitruat let out a loud and boisterous laugh at that. Xelqua felt his stomach drop in the most pleasurable of ways as Sitruat's sound filled the room.

"Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong?" Sitruat asked, smirking up at him. Xelqua's blood ran hot with the fire he knew he could never have.

"But no matter what, it has to work out." Xelqua finished, staring at Sitruat's smiling, feverishly red, lips.

Sitruat's fingers twisted in Xelqua's, fully conjoining their hands. Xelqua could feel the warmth of Sitruat's hand, even through his burning magic. Xelqua could feel Sitruat's heart beating through his bare back, and the way it picked up speed slightly as Sitruat stared at him with his unholy, hungry eyes.

Xelqua couldn't look away from those eyes now, even if he tried.

And he knew what he felt was ungodly and wrong as Sitruat tilted his chin up and craned his neck towards him. Xelqua's throat went dry as, for a moment, he forgot that it was wrong and an abomination for any Watcher to feel this way.

Especially for him to feel it for someone as perfectly imperfect as him.

Sitruat whispered his name, snaking his body up a little more towards him.

But even if it was wrong, Xelqua didn't even care at that moment when Sitruat looked at him and said his name in such a sinful way.

Xelqua leaned forward and closed his eyes, moving his hand to support Sitruat's waist.

Sitruat's breath tickled Xelqua's lips as Sitruat's hand snaked into Xelqua's hair.

Then, for a moment, nothing came.

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