Chapter 11: disembowelment

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{TW for: disembowelment (new limbs) blood, and fluff (HOW IS THIS FLUFF??? - editor)}

Groans of aches and pains came from almost everyone in the room, and disturbingly enough, Xelqua was comforted by the fact that he was no longer the only one in excruciating pain.

The other teens' pain had only begun over two weeks ago, but Xelqua had been going through this for more than three weeks.

The pale teen blinked slowly. He could already see black spots in the corner of his vision as the pressure began to build.

Xelqua was half certain he was going to faint any moment now as he felt something pushing against his skin.

Zera grabbed Xelqua's hand and looked at him with soft eyes. The scar on his jaw came into sharp focus to Xelqua.

Sitruat said his name under his breath so only he could hear. The room was starting to spin and Xelqua felt sick to his stomach when he looked down at his barely touched dinner. Xelqua tried to blink away fastly approaching tears and looked back over at Sitruat.

Sitruat paled and nodded to himself. His hands were shaking as he turned back to the table, and looked at the oddly familiar teens. "Me and Xelqua are going to bed early," Sitruat said in a voice that struggled to keep even.

Everyone nodded and muttered a goodnight as they turned back to talk about their three weeks off starting tomorrow.

Xelqua's gaze drifted to Qokul's empty spot as Zera wrapped an arm around his side and carefully pulled him up.

Xelqua leaned mildly against Sitruat as they walked, and for a moment Sitruat hoped that they could make it to Xelqua's room before he fainted. But as soon as the doors of the cafeteria shut behind them, Xelqua's body swayed and all his strength left him as black flashed over his vision.

Zezy grab Xelqua before he could fall, and suddenly Xelqua's body was weightless. He could faintly feel his head hit Sitruat's chest as the world around him dulled.

Sitruat had scooped Xelqua up, and was now running to his room as he held Xelqua bridal style.

The golden-haired teen didn't understand what was happening as his ears rang with static. All he knew at that moment was that he was floating in the forever shifting void as Sitruat cried out his name.

It was strange at best, terrifying at worst. The way Xelqua knew one thing was happening and felt another thing entirely. Xelqua couldn't move his body, but he felt the void, he couldn't speak, but still, he tried to scream.

All Xelqua could see was black, and that was when the pain came.

It hit him like a freight train, the tearing, things growing, ripping through the muscles and skin on his back. Xelqua felt something sprout under his muscles, and he felt something new... something that he shouldn't have felt, grow. As if whatever it was were a piece of his body.

The slight stinging in his back through the past weeks was nothing compared to the pain he felt now. If anything it barely even hurt- Or, he was just so used to the torture he had endured, that it was nothing compared to it.

But somehow Xelqua was more worried about the new things on his back. They felt just like any other part of his body, but he was somewhat concerned by how raw and sensitive they felt to everything around him.

The next thing Xelqua knew he was gasping for breath, the pain from what had happened suddenly hitting him in waves. He was back into his body, fully now able to feel and hear everything around him.

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