chapter 5

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*Kushina and her group of genin were walking for hours. Mikoto and Kushina were fine but the genins were tired, Kushina looked at them disappointed*

Kushina:come on is this all you got? The sun is still up!

Sakura: we've been walking since morning till sunset Uzumaki San please we need to rest!

Kushina:my god can you believe this guy's?

Mikoto:i know the Shinobi academy has been made much more easier to enter and to graduate hopefully that husband of your's can put an end to that

Meanwhile back in kohona

*We see Minato reading paperwork after paperwork he needed to read and sign but as soon as he finished reading and signed 1 20 more would fill it's place Minato slammed his head to his desk*

Minato:i need a hero..

Back to Kushina and the kids

Kushina:oh, I'm sure the big baby is fine now for this babies

*Pointing to the genins shaking her head with a sigh*

Kushina:fine we can rest for the night but tomorrow we continue

*They all nodded thankful and set up camp  all of them we're sitting close to the fire*

Kushina:Mikoto how strong is Naruto now?

*Mikoto closed her eyes and thought about it*

Mikoto:if I had to guess extremely. Even at the age of 4 lil Naruto managed to cut itachi in a fight


*Sasuke screamed outraged that someone that was not him managed to damaged his brother*

Mikoto:quiet you, Naruto obviously lost but still it was quite impressive. Even fukagu was caught off guard by it. But yeah with Tsunade with him I'm sure she trained him to be a strong Shinobi hell she probably taught him her secret techniques

Kushina:oh i can't wait to finally see him! we have so much to catch up on I'm gonna teach him so much kendo, fuinjutsu, the secret arts of the Uzumaki's i can't wait!

Ino:so Kushina Sama you've really never seen Naruto?

*Kushina sighed sadly looking at the fire with a smile that didn't reach her eyes*

Kushina;only spend a few hours with him, it was not nearly enough the only thing I managed to do was sing him a lullaby when he started crying it calmed him down quickly cute c..can we hear it

*Kushina giggled and winked at Hinata her smile become a bit more genuine*

Kushina:nope, that lullaby is only for Naruto to hear i wonder if he even remembers it

Sasuke:don't be ridiculous, he obviously won't who remembers things from when they were a baby thinking he would remember that it's just fiction

*Mikoto slapped Sasuke at the back of the head glaring at him to keep quiet but Kushina just chuckled*

Kushina:so was talking animals with super powers and yet summons exist, so are creating fire from you're mouth and yet the Uchiha famous fire ball jutsu exist. I could go on but you get my point this world is full of magical things. My baby boy remembering my song from birth is not the weirdest thing in the world stranger things has happened in this Shinobi world

*After that they didn't really talk much they all went to sleep with Sasuke being the one on watch as punishment*

Time skip

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