chapter 37

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*Minato and Naruto just staring at each other Naruto just sighed*

Naruto:how about i give you a reminder of what i want,in exchange for me and my reject club to join Konoha we want to be seen as a 3rd party member in Konoha with the free will to take missions from other nations including enemy nations and be able to refuse missions or demands from the Hokage if we see fit, i mean honestly how could you forget that when what I'm asking is such a simple thing

Minato: there's nothing simple about it

Naruto i disagree it is a simple request your biases are stopping you from accepting such a great opportunity for your village Tsunade, Zabuza, anko, Haku, me not to mention to keep Kushina and Shizune inside this village can you really afford to lose so many strong Shinobi giving this village still hasn't healed up since the kyuubi attack or well the Uchiha attack since mother must have told you the truth of set event

Minato:she did but how can we trust the words of a demon?

Naruto:the same way you can trust the words of a human you can't, human, demon, gods we all have the ability to lie to manipulate to destroy it's up to us to decide what to believe for me i know yin hates the Uchiha and has no reason to protect them by taking the blame he's reason for telling me are completely selfish reasons so you know it's true the kyuubi attack was caused by an Uchiha member just imagine how that would be seen if say....someone were too leak it out?

*The room became tense as Minato grabbed his hands in a thinking position looking at Naruto*

Minato:you would be willing to hurt the only clan apart from Senju who helped you?

Naruto:now that's all up to you isn't it? I'm willing to do what it takes to achieve success if it means a few sacrifices here and there so be it as long as my true love ones are safe

*Naruto could feel F Kushina hugging him from behind but Minato couldn't see her*

F Kushina:oh my baby boy how you spoil me

Minato:Naruto....i want us to negotiate to find a middle ground

Naruto:and why on Kami's earth would i do that when this village has nothing i care for? Face it Minato namikaze you lost there's nothing you can bargain for nothing you can say or do except accept my most generous offer but then again you don't get to choose now do you? The real person in charge got to choose your just enforcing his will so what choice did he make what path did her choose did he go with his pride or his village tic toc Hokage I'm at the edge of my seat waiting for the result

Minato:....I'm.... I'm willing to give in to your demands but i do have some conditions

Naruto:oh do you? Well it's to be expected you can't very well say you gave me everything for free no, the clan head would have your head pardon the pun so what are this conditions

Minato:one you will be place on a genin team

Naruto:i get to choose the team further more if i don't want to do the mission they'll go without me but I'll still get paid

Minato:that's completely absurd not to mention unfair

Naruto:fine I'll trade you instead of getting paid and choosing what team we want to be in Haku and me will be place on the same team

Minato:that would be a 6 man team do you realize the danger in that....

Naruto:yes yes other nations will get antsy seeing more then 4 Shinobi so close to there borders but seeing as whoever team me and Haku will be placed on will be stronger by default I'm sure we'll be able to manage further more your the Hokage what's a bit more of paperwork for the greater good of Konoha

Minato:....fine my second request i want you to train the current roster of genin

Naruto:and by me im sure you mean the other members of the reject club while i can see that girl Tenten getting a kick of training under Zabuza or ino training under anko hm....fine but i get to choose who trains who since i can't very well trust you to choose who's best to train the genin i mean you can't even get a hold of your own son

*Naruto said smirking making Minato frown*

Naruto:but as you know nothing is free and since they already have sensei my club will be more like tutors training them with there teachers ergo they'll get paid and not from the Konoha taxes no no no they will be paid by you personally as for whoever team me and Haku land on, me and him will be sure to train them properly since the only decent teacher here is sensei guy

Minato:the chunnin exams will be in a few months do you think with the training the genin will be able to participate?

Naruto;ah so that's why you want us to train them, chunnin exams so that Konoha is not an embarrassment seeing as your genin are weaker then the other elemental nations if they participate in the exams it will be a massacre for Konoha and not in a good way not to mention the embarrassment since it's  Konoha's turn to host them and i can see them dying in the second event since it's more then obvious your only choice to save face would be to cheat on the first event

Minato:how can you possibly know all that

Naruto:mother grounded me for a week as I'm sure you know or i guess you don't since you didn't even care enough to visit your own son at the hospital in that week let's say i had help to think and train for this eventuality i know ever thought you're thinking before they even come to light and it's all thanks to him

*A bit of smoked appeared on Naruto's less and out came yin ah much larger version then the last time he was out he was twice the size of a full inuzuka adult dog*

Yin:ah hello again Hokage how is my other half treating you these days

*Minato looked between Naruto and yin before his eyes widen"

Yin:i see you figured it out yes yang can read your thoughts and i can read Yangs giving unlike him i wasn't mistreated and me and my host have a mutual respect I'm far more powerful then he currently is

Naruto"can you actually read there mind?"

Yin"no but by the look on your father's face he thinks i can and that's more then enough "

Naruto:well father since there's nothing else i accept your "terms" and look forward with....

Minato:one more condition we must reseal yin inside you i don't know how he got out but he's far too dangerous to be let free

Naruto:no i don't think i will If yin gets sealed away my powers would take quite the nerf

Minato:Naruto I'm serious

Naruto:as am i Hokage

*Naruto got up and started to walk away*

Naruto:as am i yin has been a loyal comrade over the years and i have full confidence at the amount of faith I've giving him he shall stay as free as me have a nice day

*Naruto walked away with yin walking next to him*

Yin:faith? You do remember our arrangement do you not?

Naruto:yes yes if i show weakness you'll eat me alive but your powers are well worth the risk

Yin;well I'm not the 9 tail fox for nothing even cut in half I'm stronger then all my siblings

Naruto: hopefully we'll see some in the chunnin exams what fun Reunion that would

With Minato

*To say Minato was angry would be an understatement he was absolutely livid his own son managed to get his way the more he thought the more sense it made*

Minato:the first request was a fake he made sure it was something i would say no so he would get what he really wants after that...damn it he really did play me....

Danzo:a small sacrifice losing a battle in order to win the war

*Minato looked up and frown seeing danzo walking inside his office*

Danzo:but now that he is here it will be easier to win set war do not worry Hokage soon you'll son will understand his responsibility to his village i assure you

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