chapter 39

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Kakashi:alright seeing as you all met but haven't really talk let's get to know each other

Naruto:sure I'll start names Naruto Uzumaki in the outside world I'm known as the A rank assasin The demon of the snow my likes eating, training, winter anything cold and snowy, reading, Taijutsu, my family and my beloved my hates would be the villagers of this disgrace of a village arrogant people, the clans of Konoha minus Senju and Uchiha....most Uchiha anyway not a fan of the arrogance in this one

*Naruto said pointing at Sasuke making Sasuke growl with Kakashi holding his shirt   to keep him in line*

Naruto: let's see i also hate Jiraiya the good for nothing pervert that is criminally overated, Orochimaru, the real Hokage danzo and last but certainly not least i hate my new sensei my failure of a "brother" Kakashi the fake ass Uchiha, my dream is to kill danzo and Orochimaru....and to marry Haku and make him Haku Uzumaki

*Naruto winked at Haku making him chuckle*

Haku:guess it's my turn name Haku Yuki my likes my beloved Naruto, the snowy season, the members of the reject club my hates father for killing my mother and trying to kill me, Naruto when he's being a horn dog

Naruto:pfff don't hear you complaining when i give you a bon.. uff!

*Naruto hugged his stomach as Haku elbowed him there*

Haku;you say something my snow demon?

Naruto:just how i love you and i love how you look today dear....

Haku:thank you honey i also hate arrogant people, fan girls and pretty much the same people Naruto hates for treating my beloved so horribly

Kakashi:good to know Sakura your up let's make this quick

Sakura:I'm... Sakura Haruno my likes are

*Sakura giggled looking at Sasuke*

Sakura:my dreams are

*Sakura giggled even louder looking at Sasuke*

Sakura:and my hates are the Uzumaki for killing my mother!

Naruto:in my opinion she deserved death she became corrupt and would have received the death sentence by the daimyo Be thankful she went out quickly i would say painlessly but....nah she suffered before dying

*Sakura glared at Naruto but later looked another way scared of Naruto's smile*

Naruto:good your not so much of a fan girl that you don't know when someone is stronger then you, which brings me to my next question how long have you 3 been in this team?

Sakura:a....a couple of months maybe 4 or 5

Naruto:4 or 5 hm so that would mean that you've already started training with D and C ranks justsus correct?

Sakura:what? Um no, we've still haven't done any justsu training everything we've done is just team building exercises

*Naruto and Haku looked at Kakashi with there eyes widen, Naruto more angry then Haku*

Naruto:and you've allowed them to go out on the mission?! Kami no wonder i didn't even. Have to try to beat them all what in the actual fuck are you waiting for, by the 5 month period i was already deep into justsu training what excuse do you have now that justifies such and idiotic action

Kakashi:Naruto there's more to being a Shinobi then justsu

Naruto:alrighty then what do they know in Taijutsu?

Sasuke:our clans taught us there Taijutsu

Naruto:and what of you miss haruno your family is not a Shinobi family so what Taijutsu do you know?

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