chapter 8

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*Tsunade was in shock at seeing Kushina again but she ignored it since she knew this was the real one this time and it was not the time for that*

Tsunade:get her on the bed quickly haku with me

*All three of them went to the bedroom the rest tried to enter but Naruto growled at them, his eyes shining as reds as kurama's eyes, not trusting this people. Tsunade looked at them*

Tsunade:we need space to do our work and it's a small room. All of you wait outside and Naruto hurry up and put her on the bed we're loosing time here

*Naruto does what he's told but doesn't leave the room he waits in the corner hugging himself as he watches then work*

Naruto "this is my fault...this is my fault...this is my fault..this is my fault...this is my fault...this is my fault this is my fault...this is my fault...this is my faultthis is my fault...this is my fault...this is my fault this is my fault...this is my fault...this is my fault"

Tsunade:Naruto you did good at sealing the wounds and stopping the bleeding but what happened..?

*Naruto didn't say anything as more tears fell from his face. Tsunade sighed knowing what's going on with him after hours Tsunade and haku finished Naruto sat down next to her bed in a crouching position bitting his thumb*

 Tsunade sighed knowing what's going on with him after hours Tsunade and haku finished Naruto sat down next to her bed in a crouching position bitting his thumb*

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*haku kisses Naruto's cheek and walked out with Tsunade, knowing what's Naruto's like in this state*

Tsunade:ok the good news is that Kushina will be fine

*Mikoto sighed in relief so did ino,Hinata and Shikamaru*

Tsunade:the bad news she'll be asleep for at most 5 days

Mikoto:was..was that Naruto...?

*Mikoto said her tone had a sense of relief seeing her nephew after so long, getting letters was one thing but actually seeing him another thing entirely*


Mikoto: he's changed quite a lot in 9 years did he say what happened?

*Haku took over the conversation this was a discussion of his boyfriend. He will be the one in control of the situation*

Haku:no, and he won't be if any use for us until Kushina wakes up

Ino: why not? He was there wasn't he?

Haku:yes but he's cooping

Sasuke:what does that had to do with anything?

*Haku frowned he didn't appreciate this boy arrogant tone but Haku sighed and sat down on the couch*

Haku:how do I explain this... We all have different ways to cope for me i become distant and cold towards others, for Tsunade she drinks until she gets black out drunk


Haku:as i was saying for Zabuza he goes into intensive training until he passes out from exhaustion, for lady Anko she tortures her victims the sounds of there screams calms her down, but Naruto is different for Naruto he just...shuts down. He doesn't move, doesn't sleep, doesn't eat, until he gets better, until Kushina wakes up Naruto will be a statue

Sasuke:tsk pathetic

*Haku glared at him but Mikoto slapped him at the back of the head and bowed at haku*

Mikoto:please forgive him..

Haku:if you weren't important to my Naruto you're son would be dead where he stands so keep his tongue in check my patience has it's limits

*Mikoto nods but doesn't miss the "my Naruto" comment now wasnt the time to ask such things so she sat down glaring at her son*

Shikamaru:what a drag so there's no one that can tell us what happened with lady Kushina until she wakes up?

???:i can

*All eyes were on the new voice and we're surprised at what they saw*

*All eyes were on the new voice and we're surprised at what they saw*

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Mikoto:who are you?

Kurama: you can call me Kurama in a certain way I'm Naruto's personal summoning

Shikamaru:and in another way?

*Kurama sits on haku's lap as Haku scratches him behind the ear much to his enjoyment*

Kurama:the nine tail fox otherwise knowned as the kyuubi

*The Genin we're in shocked minus Sasuke and Neji who didn't believe a word that came from the fox mouth. As for Mikoto she being a jounin got up in attack position as Kurama just yawns not even remotely interested*

Mikoto:what are you doing out of the seal you demon?

*Kurama chuckled amused as he looked at the Uchiha his eyes shining for a moment nothing but hatred for the blood of the woman in front of him*

Kurama:i find it funny that you call me a demon Uchiha, when it was one of you're clan members that released and controlled me


*Tsunade sighed as she puts her hand on mikoto's shoulder*

Tsunade: unfortunately Mikoto kurama's words ran true. We've met the person who released Kurama, he admitted it gladly that he did it and he did have an Uchiha eye he called himself Tobi

*Mikoto sat down in shock that someone in her clan would bring harm to Konoha she could only imagine what her husband will think or the other Shinobi clans if this goes out it will strain the trust kohona has on the Uchiha*

Kurama;you probably need a minute to digest this information...anyway you want to know what happened?

*Kurama had no shame in not hiding his hate for the Uchiha and if it wasn't for Mikoto and fukagu helping his kit i mean jailer he would be fighting and kicking out the Uchiha's in the house*

Shikamaru:we need to know what happened. If there was an enemy that could take out the Hokage's wife someone who is quite powerful, we need to be prepared even if we're just Genin

Haku"speak for yourself me my Naruto are at least low jounin"

Kurama;fine but before i can do that you all need some context on something that happened a few years ago to understand his actions and not spill you're hatred on him

To be continued

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