chapter 14

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*Naruto woke up in a jump as he heard the sound of stuff breaking he got up running barley had enough time time but in his morning kimono and he was caught off guard by what he saw*

Kushina:get back here and get cut you bitch!!

*Kushina was running around the house swinging her sword with Kurama dodging her swords strikes Naruto glanced as at the kitchen and saw Tsunade and Mikoto talking with each other, Haku was drinking coffee while the Genin looked terrified seeing first hand the anger if the red hit blooded habanero of Konoha, Naruto walked up to Haku and kisses his cheek*

Naruto;morning my ice flower want me to get me caught up ?

Haku:morning my ice fox to make a long story short you're mother and aunty came looking for u, for some reason they brought like 2 teams of genin with them they found us and you know what happened after that

Naruto:i went to the bubble?

*Haku nods taking a sip of his coffee*

Haku:you wen to the bubble

Naruto:but i mean why is my...kaasan trying to kill my summon?

Haku:don't know woke up with my door sliced and you're mother screaming like a wild banshee

*Naruto nods walked up to his aunty and kissed her cheek*

Naruto:hello aunty it's been ages

Mikoto:Naruto I'm so happy to see you!

*Mikoto hugs Naruto tightly*

Mikoto:you sent me so many letters

*Mikoto pulled Naruto's ear*


Mikoto:why did you never wrote that you got a boyfriend!? I didn't even know you we're interested on anybody

Naruto:sorry sorry aunty but to be fair you never asked

*Mikoto did no look please Naruto managed to escape and ran to his mother blocking her sword strike with his own sword*

Naruto;kaasan could you please not kill my animal summon?

*Kushina was shock*

Kushina:you're what?!

*Kurama jumped into Naruto's shoulder with a smug smile*

Kurama;did he stutter? I'm his summon, Naruto is the first human to obtain the fox contract

Kushina:why would my baby boy EVER accept you as he's summon?!

*Naruto gave a bitter chuckle*

Naruto:well it's not like i could get one of konoha's summon

*Naruto said with a hint of venom at the tip of his tongue making Kushina to flinch and look down Naruto waved his hand dismissively*

Naruto:don't worry about it fuzzy nuts over here can be an ass but he's a very powerful summon hell he gives tsunade's slugs s run for there money

Kurama:still say they cheated

*Kushina was dumbfounded seeing Naruto and Kurama having such a playful banter*

Kushina:b..but Naruto he's the reason why I was in a coma!

Naruto:mother just like a flower does not get to pick where it grows a child does not get to choose his parents Kurama did not get to choose to be a prisoner inside me

Kurama;not to mention i was being controlled by a disgusting Uchiha

Sasuke:watch you're mouth you filth!

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