chapter 20

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Naruto:I'll ask again aunty what the FUCK did you just say

*Naruto said his voice showing more venom Mikoto a seasoned Shinobi just sighed*

Mikoto:you heard me loud and clear Naruto our mission was to find and bring you back


*Naruto slammed his hand at the table and glared at her*

Naruto:i said no! Why on kami's great earth would i ever returned to that hell hole? Why would anko or Tsunade return to the place that only brought them pain we are not coming back

Anko: damn right if anything we're bringing Shizune here so our little group will be complete

Mikoto:...the order only said to bring Naruto back they didn't ask for anyone else

*The mood got worse as Tsunade puts in her 2 cents*

Tsunade: doesn't matter if one goes we all go and none of us are going so eat up and consider this mission a failed one


Tsunade:Mikoto look around the table anko and Naruto we're treated like demons used and discarded like trash i lost the love of my live and my little brother cause of Konoha we've all suffered because of that cursed village that's so corrupt that if my grandfather and granduncle would see it they would burn it to the ground because it's no longer the village they build

*Naruto got up and started walking away*

Naruto:i lost my appetite I'm going training do NOT interrupt me

*Naruto walked away after a bit Kushina looked at Haku*

Kushina: shouldn't you go after him?

Haku:if I go he will never go back to Konoha if you go he might not go but at least you tried he goes to train on the lake you guys first met

*Kushina nods and decides to walk to collect her thoughts*

Kushina"Naruto doesn't want to come back but can i blame him? After everything he's been through how can I as his mother ask him to go to a place with such awful memories hell do I even want to go back there after everything i sacrifice was spit on and discarded like they didn't even matter the Uzumaki clan was the most strong with family values if I make him go even if he doesn't want to wouldn't i just be spitting on the grave of my clan? And what about anko i just barley started making progress with her making her go back would it just be the same bad as with Naruto?

*Kushina kept thinking until she saw Naruto training with a pair of twin swords*

*Kushina kept thinking until she saw Naruto training with a pair of twin swords*

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Kushina:does are some lovely swords what element are they?

*Naruto kept practicing the movement in one quick movement he cut a stone in half*

Naruto:....they light blue is mist and the black one is smoke ..

*Naruto kept working at it not looking at his mother"


Naruto: I'm not going back to that place mother..i...i can't go back to that place..

*Naruto said his voice but a whisper in the winds but Kushina could hear it making sigh and sit down under a cherry blossom tree*

Kushina:to be honest...I'm not even sure if I want to go back there so much has change and not for the better my relationship with you're father is at a sour spot and when i think of everything that village has done to does i love it makes me sick

Naruto:then simple don't go back join the reject club and see the world with us

Kushina:Naruto it's not that simple and I know you're smart enough to know that nothing is that simple

*Naruto sighed as the blades disappear leaving only the hilts that Naruto puts in his tattoo storage seal making Kushina have a small smile*

Kushina"so advance my little Naruto is so smart.."

*Naruto sat down next to her resting his head on her shoulder*

Kushina:i know you hate i know Konoha has a few bad apples...fewer still after i learned what they did do you

*Naruto chuckled softly as he closed his eyes*

Naruto:mother Konoha doesn't have a few bad apples it's the whole damn barrel the bad apples where there too long now even if you take them out like you did the rot still remains

Kushina:even so we can't just give up on the place If the village is bad we should fix it

Naruto;why? What law said it's our job to fix a broken system mother it's not our job to do any of that it's easier to just leave

Kushina:if we leave it's just gonna happened again anko was first after her it was you who's gonna be after you what are they gonna do if they don't have the resources or the support you did

Naruto:so I'm suppose to go back for some kid i don't even know?

Kushina:no i could never ask you do to that I'm asking you to come back to help me help you're father make Konoha a better place for everyone it won't be easy nothing ever is but good things never come easy

Naruto:....can you give me one good reason why i should go?

Kushina:because i asked? Not ordered just ask please..give it some thought

*Kushina kissed Naruto's head and she left making Naruto sigh looking up at the moon*

Naruto:you can come out now my Ice flower

*Haku fell gracefully down from the tree and sat next to Naruto again naruto puts his head on Haku's shoulder they didn't say anything Naruto spoke enough for today they just enjoyed the other presence*

Till next time or on Patreon

Special thanks to:

Ben knight


Ricardo Cano

Jacob Mooe



nT_wolf 0

Gabriel McDonald


Ayham Alqaissi


José Ruiz Dé Austri

For you're donations thanks again

p.s. if you have a problem with you're name being here please say so and I'll erase it

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