chapter 40

930 23 3

With naruto

*Once they were in a safe distance from the others Naruto turned around with a neutral expression looking at kiba*

Naruto:alright now....

*Taking his shot Kiba jumped at the short distance and stabbed Naruto in the heart glaring at Naruto with all his hatred*

Kiba:this is for akamaru you....

*Kiba got the wind knocked out of him as Naruto punched him in the liver making Kiba fall to his knees breathing heavily*

Naruto:as i was saying

*Kiba looked up his vision still dizzy but he could see Naruto take the kunai off as the wound started to bubble with orange chakra healing itself*

Naruto:we should start slow if you manage to land a punch on me we'll call it a day

*Naruto said as he yawned actually bored as he waited for Kiba to get over the punch*

Naruto:well? I'm waiting don't tell me the big baby can't take a punch, my god i wonder if i should've killed you instead of akamichi bet that mutt would be far more useful then the arrogant asshole that's on the fetal position before me

Kiba:h...his name w...was akamaru you mother...

*Naruto kicked Kiba in the mouth breaking a tooth*

Naruto:temper, temper, you Shinobi's are suppose to be a tool for the Hokage. Tools don't have emotions

Kiba:and what are you supposed to be huh?!

Naruto:an assasin difference between assasin, samurai and a Shinobi you may ask

Kiba:i didn't ask...

*Kiba grunted when Naruto put his foot on kiba's stomach adding pressure when he tried to free himself*

Naruto:a samurai is a warrior of honor and code, in my opinion there better then the rest of us since they don't kill for money or glory. No they kill to protect, they kill for honor that's something i can respect, they don't fight in the shadows since they find those who do that without honor they fight there opponent one on one and would rather kill himself then let someone interfer with there battle truly they are remarkable beings.

*Naruto released his foot from Kiba making Kiba take a big breath as he was starting to turn blue*

Naruto:then we have you Shinobi. You who hide in the shadow and kill whoever pays you the most. You who refuse to lift a finger to help anyone who doesn't have the money to receive you're help that's what you Shinobi's are nothing more then hired killers who delude themselves thinking there better then the rest. You all think you play the role of the hero but in reality you're not better then an assasin

*Naruto got out of the way of an attack grabbed Kiba by his neck and wrist and slammed him face first to a tree, the sound of bone breaking and a scream of pain didn't stop Naruto's little monologue*

Naruto:broken nose. Anyway in my opinion you guys are worse then us since we at least admit what we are we kill people for money we are no heroes we don't go out each day with illusions of grandeur thinking we make the world a better place. We take the money kill our targets and forget all about them in about 5 seconds. What makes us different is that we don't turn down people if they don't have the money unlike you Shinobi we know that if we help we can get something from them later on be it as Innocent as a place to rest or as gruesome as using there bodies for our pleasure. Either way it doesn't matter do us or to me since i know who i am, i am Naruto Uzumaki I'm not a hero I'm not a good person by any standers I'm an  assasin. A tool who knows he's a tool and accepts his role on life so tell me dog boy

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