chapter 50

639 22 12

*team 12 made it inside and saw team 7 waiting for them. Kushina frowned at this seeing Kakashi and that stupid icha icha novel. Kakashi flinched feeling as if the grim Reaper was breathing down his neck*

Kushina:Kakashi.... what do you have in your hands...?

Kakashi:s.. something the Hokage gave to me i swear!

Minato:those are lies!!

Sai: didn't you say you found those under your bed Hokage Sama? Your personal collection that you thought was lost?

*Kushina's hair was flying out of control as she looked at Minato who paled, he looked up at his Anbu who were all looking anywhere but him, not stupid enough to mess with an angry Kushina even for there Hokage*

Minato:k..Kushina we have a mission! The man who hired us is right....!

Naruto:the best sake you've ever had, way better then this on me

Tazuna:really now?

Naruto:yup, i can body flicker us there have a quick drink and come back here, in like....

*Naruto looked at his mother and how angry she was*

Naruto:15 minutes

F Kushina:better make that 30

Naruto:better 30 to be safe

F Kushina:good boy

*They saw Naruto taking the man away to get a drink, as Naruto was walking away he looked back at his father with an evil smile in his face and a glint of pure malice in his eyes. He touched tazuna's shoulder and disappeared with him. Minato flinched when he heard the sound of knuckle's cracking, he looked and saw the Red Hot-Blooded Habanero demon come back to life in her wife as she disappeared and reappeared behind him and touched his shoulder making Minato start to trembled*

Kushina:so you had those magazines before the kyuubi attack mi-na-to?

*Kushina didn't let him response as she lifted him and slammed him to the desk breaking it and just went to town beating him up no one dared interfere*

*Kushina didn't let him response as she lifted him and slammed him to the desk breaking it and just went to town beating him up no one dared interfere*

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30 minutes later

*Naruto appeared again laughing with tazuna*

Tazuna:and then the man said that's not a bear that's my wife!

*Naruto and tazuna gave booming laughs as they walked inside seeing a new desk, a patched up Hokage and Kushina with her team with her arms crossed*

Naruto:did we miss anything important?

Sai:not really

Naruto:cool since both team 7 and team 12 have both completed The necessary D rank missions, i decided it would be good teamwork if both teams went on a C rank mission together, your mission is to protect mr. Tazuna while he finishes his bridge

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