chapter 26

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*as much as Naruto and anko wanted to keep delaying the inevitable they couldn't*

Kushina:the gates of Konoha we've made it gang!

*Kushina said in a chipper tone trying to keep the mood high but it did nothing to quell the fear anko and Naruto are feeling right now*

Anko:still time to run and never look back no shame in that

shizune: absolutely not I've waited long enough for you anko!

*Anko was caught by surprised as she fell on the ground by Shizune hugging her*

Shizune: I've missed you..

*Anko smiled softly and hugged her back*

Anko:i missed you too Shizu...

*With Naruto Haku holds his hand giving him a encouraging smile even Zabuza put his hand on Naruto's shoulder for encouragement, Naruto sighed and looked at the gates with determination*


*Anko and shizune got up with neither of them letting go of the other*

Naruto: let's get this over with..

*Naruto tried to sound confident but his voice came but a whisper as the group walked inside ignoring the ever sleeping guards at the post Kushina and Mikoto looked around at the genin they brought with them*

Kushina:alright mission successful you can all go back home we'll go inform the Hokage of our new guests

*Slowly they left with Sasuke and Kiba being the last one to leave both giving Naruto hateful looks that Naruto ignored and countered with killer instinct making them both fall to the ground by the pressure*

Naruto:when you can walk to me without this being a problem then you can challenge me

*Naruto turned it off and they left the two genin there Sasuke left while Kiba growled being the last one there he never stopped looking at Naruto*

Kiba:i swear to you akamaru you will be avenged...

With the important people

*The reject club kept walking they could hear the whispers from the civilians like "look look over there is that..." "Oh my God it's the 4th son" "the prince of Konoha has returned" "you know i was one of the few that always treated him fairly" Naruto stopped in his tracks his hair covering his eyes*

Naruto:what...did you say..?

*Naruto said his voice cold as he looked at the civilian who said the last whisper making him flinch*

Naruto:you treated me fairly huh..

*Naruto walked to the civilian Naruto's arm looked limbless as his eyes was covered in a fog his killer energy started zipping out making the civilian start to sweat and back away*

Naruto:where are you going? If you treated me fairly you've got nothing to fear right..?

*Naruto lifted his head and showed his eyes to the world*

*Naruto lifted his head and showed his eyes to the world*

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