chapter 24

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Sasuke:fire style fire ball jutsu!

*Naruto looked back and saw Sasuke throwing a huge fire ball chunnin size at Naruto*

Sasuke: don't disrespect an Uchiha elite like me time to pay!!


*Naruto looked at the fire ball as it got closer to him Naruto sighed his breath visible cause of the cold

Naruto:fire so wild so destructive...

*Naruto blew on the fire turning it to ice and stopping it inches from his face*

Naruto:so predictable and elite? Tell me boy what is an elite

*Naruto touched it with the now ice ball with one finger it cracked and broke in to piece flying at different directions as Naruto walked in front of the now icy mist cloud*

Naruto:what is an elite to a demon?

*The only thing they could see of Naruto we're his now blood red eyes as the mist covered the whole battle field*

Neji:shit Sasuke get over here we need to work together if we are to beat him

Naruto:beat me? BEAT ME?!!

*the Genin looked all around Naruto's voice appeared to be coming from every directions at the same*

Naruto:you'll be lucky if you get a punch

*Naruto whispered into neji's est, neji flinched and punched  at the direction of the sound*

Ino:ow neji wtf?!

Naruto:you're running out of time my little genins look up

*They did and the mist was covering the sky more and more the mist was so thick it didn't let sun to come in*

Naruto:as soon as it goes dark you will see my full power you will feel the gap between us

Kiba:get out here you coward!!

Naruto:oh ? But i am out it's not my fault you can't use you're nose to smell me

Hinata:w..why did you do that just helped us

Naruto:oh my deer because I don't even see you guys as a challenge i see you all as screaming children screaming that your Shinobi it makes me sick do I'm gonna be you're teacher give you a taste of what a real Shinobi looks like besides

*Naruto appeared in the middle of all of them with kunai's right on the neck of ino and Sakura*

Naruto:do you feel it..? Do you feel the coldness of the blade how close you are to death can you feel you're mortality slipping away as you're seconds from death

*Naruto's words came out as a whisper making it give a chill to everyone in the mist*

Naruto:now you have 4 minutes think as a team and come

Meanwhile with the adults

*We see them seeing the dome of mist closing up Zabuza chuckled*

Zabuza:that boy is always playing

Kushina:what do you mean?

Anko:my little brother is like me we like to toy with our opponents

Mikoto:but he won't hurt them right i mean he's gonna be a fellow leaf Shinobi soon

*Anko frowned at that she didn't know what her little brother plan was*

Anko"one thing for sure he will never be a leave Shinobi but I'm not gonna tell them that need to see him play this out

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