Chapter 1

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I just moved back in Hawkins with my mom Claudia and my brother Dustin.
Dustin: Y/n, I love you but you take to long to get ready!
Y/n: I'm almost done just let me fix my lipgloss.
Dustin: HURRY UP!
Y/n: Okay I'm ready jeez!
Dustin: Your going to sit with me and my friends at lunch today, Okay?
Y/n: Okay!
Me and Dustin got in my car and I drove us to school.

Dustin showed me where my locker was but didn't care enough to show me where my classes were.
Dustin: I have to go, Love you!
Y/n: Love you to Dustin!
Dustin left me and I stood alone and confused at my locker. I grabbed the books I needed for my class and went to look for it. I roamed the halls with my books in my hands. I was looking at my schedule not paying attention to where I was walking and ran into someone. My books fell to the floor as the hit knocked them out of my hands. I went to hurry and pick my books up and the person I bumped into started helping me. He held his hand out giving me my books. I looked at his hand and my eyes traced all the way up his arm to his face and I looked into his eyes. My face went a little red as I seen how attractive he was. He had a interesting style, Torn black jeans with a white shirt that said hellfire topped with a leather jacket and a denim vest with patches and pins. He had very cool rings on his finger and a watch on his wrist. His hair was long but it suited him perfectly. He smiled at me as he gave my books back and stood up. He was tall yet adorable.
Y/n: I am so sorry I wasn't watching where I was going.
Eddie: It's okay sweetheart.
Y/n: Thank you!
Eddie: It's no problem, Are you new?
Y/n: Yeah I'm y/n Henderson.
Eddie: Henderson?
Y/n: Yeah I'm Dustin's sister.
Eddie: I didn't know Dustin had any siblings.
Y/n: Just me.
Eddie: Do you need help finding your classes?
Y/n: Yes please if you don't mind.
Eddie: Can I see you schedule?
I handed him my schedule and watched as he studied it.
Eddie: We have every class together!
Y/n: That's great, Where are those classes exactly?
Eddie: Just follow me, I will be your personal tour guide!
Y/n: I never got your name.
Eddie: My names Eddie, Eddie Munson.
Y/n: Nice to meet you Eddie.
Eddie: Nice to meet you to y/n.
Me and Eddie went to our first class which was English. Eddie walked in and smiled at me before taking his seat as the teacher called me up to the front of the class.
Teacher: Everyone this is y/n she is new here.
I awkwardly stood there as I waited for the teacher to just tell me where to sit.
Teacher: You can sit in the seat next to Eddie.
Y/n: Thank you.
I went to sit down and Eddie just kept smiling at me.
Y/n: What are you smiling about?
Eddie: What I can't just smile?
Y/n: Yeah you can but you have a cheeky little smile going on there.
Eddie laughed at me and class started. I took notes and listened carefully as the teacher taught her lesson. I looked over at Eddie to see he was just fiddling with his rings. I watched as his fingers grazed the sides of his hands and twisted his rings. He looked up at me and smiled.
Eddie: What are you staring at princess?
Y/n: I like your jewelry.
Eddie: Thank you.
Y/n: You have nice taste in clothing and your overall style.
Eddie: You think so?
Y/n: Yeah, I like it.
Eddie gave me a very wide smile and his face went a little red and he started fiddling with his rings again.
Eddie: I don't get a lot of compliments about my style.
Y/n: Well I don't see why not, It's great!
Eddie: Thank you princess.
Teacher: Edward Munson and Y/n Henderson, Stop talking please!
Y/n: Sorry ma'am!
Eddie laughed and I went back to taking notes.
Y/n: It's not funny Edward.
Eddie laughed even more as the teacher looked back at us. She gave us a mean glare and went back to teaching.
Eddie: Sorry princess.

The class was finally over and it was time for lunch. I walked to my locker with Eddie and put my books up. Eddie went to his locker and Dustin walked up to me.
Dustin: You ready to go with me and Mike.
Y/n: I have to tell Eddie.
Dustin: Eddie?
Y/n: Eddie Munson, I met him today.
Dustin: He sits at our table.
My face immediately lit up.
Y/n: Really?
Dustin: Yeah, He is the leader of the hellfire club.
Y/n: Oh that makes sense.
Mike: Are you ready to eat?
Y/n: Yes please I'm starving!
Dustin and Mike laughed at me as we started heading to the cafeteria. We walked in and they started leading me to the hellfire table. When we got to the table Dustin pulled out a chair for me to sit in.
Dustin: Here you can sit next to me and Eddie.
Y/n: Awesome, Thanks!
Me and Dustin got food and went back to the table to see Eddie and three other guys.
Eddie: Hey y/n, Welcome to the hellfire table.
Y/n: Thank you, I am honored to sit with y'all.
Gareth: Hi, I'm Gareth.
Jeff: And I'm Jeff.
Y/n: It's very nice to meet you both.
Gareth: It's very nice to meet you to y/n.
Gareth gave me a cute little smile.
I put my food down and sit between Dustin and Eddie.
Jeff: So where are you from y/n?
Y/n: I came here from a boarding school in Colorado.
Jeff: Fancy.
Gareth: What made you come back?
Y/n: I missed Dustin and my mom to much and this is my home, I wanted to come back.
Eddie: well we are glad your here.
I smiled at Eddie and started to eat my food.
Y/n: Mmm this is actually surprisingly good!
Dustin: Right I didn't think it would taste like that.
Me and Dustin laughed at each other.
Eddie: Hey y/n, Do you play D&D?
Y/n: Yeah, I do.
Eddie: Wait really?
Dustin: Yeah she used to always play with me and my friends years ago, She's really good at it to.
Eddie: You should come to our campaign tonight!
Y/n: I would love to!

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