Chapter 23

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A month has passed and Eddie was finally back at home. He was able to go to school but he had to be careful not to get to worked up or hurt himself again. It was 6am and the alarm was going off. I made sure to sleep on the floor so I didn't hurt Eddie but I still stayed with him everyday so I knew he was safe and okay. I got up and turned the alarm off. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth letting Eddie sleep in a little bit until I went to wake him up. I went over to Eddie and slightly caressed his face.
Y/n: Eddie... It's time to get up.
Eddie groaned and turned away from me.
Eddie: Five more minutes.
Y/n: You say that everytime and then you sleep for another hour.
Eddie: Isn't 5 more minutes short for an hour?
Y/n: I guess in Eddie language it is.
I kissed Eddie on the cheek and then all over his face to get him up. He soon turned over with a big smile on his face. He opened one eye and looked at me.
Eddie: You know I can't resist your sweet kisses.
I smiled at home as he grabbed my face and pulled me down to kiss him. I pulled away an he had an annoyed look on his face.
Eddie: Can't we just stay here and kiss all day?
Y/n: No but we can go to school and kiss all day.
Eddie: Mmm.
Eddie pondered the thought for a second before finally agreeing.
Eddie: Fine but you better not be lying to me.
Y/n: I'm not I promise.
Eddie slowly got up and off of the bed and stood up in front of me. He looked down at me and kissed me again. I put my finger on his forehead and pushed him back a little bit.
Y/n: You need to get ready for school mister.
Eddie gave me a cute pout and put his hands on my waist pulling me closer to him.
Eddie: I don't want to.
Y/n: You have to.
Eddie: What if I just stay here all day?
Y/n: Then you will be here alone all day.
Eddie kissed me on the cheek and walked to the bathroom.
Eddie: Fine but only because I love you.
I giggled and started to take my clothes off. I put on some of Eddie's boxers and my bra. I went through his closet and found his hellfire shirt. I knew he probably didn't want me to wear his favorite shirt but I was taking care of him so I could wear whatever I wanted to. I put on some of his black jeans and copied what he wears on a daily basis. I put on the chain and put his handkerchief in my back pocket like he does. I didn't wear the leather jacket and vest though because I was already hot and didn't want to overheat.
I heard Eddie groan and I ran to the bathroom to see him hovering over the sink shirtless.
Y/n: Are you okay?
Eddie: Yeah I just bumped into the sink to hard.
Y/n: Be careful darling.
Eddie looked me up and down and seen I was wearing his clothes.
Eddie: Is that my hellfire shirt.
Y/n: Yeah...
I was scared that Eddie was going to get mad that I was wearing it
Y/n: Im sorry I can change if you want me to.
Eddie: No princess I love it!
Y/n: Really?
Eddie: Yeah it makes you look really hot.
I laughed and went back into the bedroom. I grabbed Eddie's hairbrush and started to brush my hair. Eddie walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around me gently as he hugged me behind.
Eddie: I love you princess.
Y/n: I love you to my prince.
I heard Eddie gently chuckle as I called him that.
Eddie: I love being your prince.
I turned around and squished his face with my hands like a baby.
Y/n: And I love being your princess.
I made him have fish lips and kissed him before walking away.
Eddie: Where are you going without meeee?
Eddie whimpered and followed me into the kitchen.
Y/n: We need to hurry and get ready.
Eddie: Ughh!
Eddie stormed off and came back 7 minutes later fully ready for school. He was wearing a black Metallica shirt with some sweatpants, not Eddie's usual style but I was wearing his clothes.
Eddie: Ready.
Y/n: Finally!
Eddie hasn't been in school for an entire month so I was worried about people's reactions to him coming back. I was also scared they would push him around so now I had to use my power to keep him safe. I would do anything for him.

I drove us to school and parked. Eddie got out and walked around the car to open the door for me as I turned the car off and grabbed my keys and bag.
Eddie: M'lady.
Y/n: Thank you kind sir.
I got out of the car and locked the doors. Eddie interlocked our arms and walked with me to the lockers.
Y/n: Your going to be stuck with me all day Eddie, I hope your prepared.
Eddie: I'm always prepared for you princess.
I smiled at Eddie and got my books out of my locker. My smile soon faded as I seen Chrissy walking by. She walked alone with her head down I guess when I took over her body and pissed Jason off that didn't end very well maybe I went to far.
Y/n: Eddie can you stay here for a second.
Eddie: Sure princess.
I followed Chrissy to the bathroom. When she walked in I walked in behind her and she noticed me.
Chrissy: What do you want?
Y/n: Are you okay?
Chrissy: Why would you care?
Y/n: I'm just worried that's all.
Chrissy: Jason dumped me because he said I flipped out on him and said I was gay which I don't even remember and I'm not gay.
Y/n: Oh I'm sorry Chrissy but weren't you going to break up with him anyway?
Chrissy: I was when I was getting Eddie to notice me but now he doesn't even acknowledge me.
I rolled my eyes but still felt bad for Chrissy.
Y/n: Do you want me to talk to him for you?
Chrissy: Would you do that?
Y/n: Sure, I will try.
Chrissy: Thank you!
I left the bathroom and went to find Eddie but seen he was gone.
Y/n: Shit!
I looked around the halls and even in the hellfire club room but couldn't find him. I started freaking out and thought about all the bad things that could have happened to him. Why did I have to force him to come to school or why did I leave him? This is all my fault. I sat down on a near by bench and seen Jason walk by with his friends.
Y/n: Jason!
Jason: Y/n.
Y/n: I wanted to talk to you.
Jason: Mm?
Y/n: Why happened between you and Chrissy?
Jason: Chrissy flipped out on me, She called me a freak and told me she likes girls.
Y/n: She told me she didn't remember doing that so do you think it was even her.
Jason: It was definitely her.
Y/n: Well was she acting different, maybe she was ugh or drunk.
Jason: I didn't think of that.
Y/n: I think you should give her another chance.
Jason: Okay I guess I will, I do love her.
Y/n: One more question, have you seen Eddie around?
Jason: I haven't seen that freak since he left with Dustin.
Y/n: He left with Dustin!
Jason: That's what I saw.
Y/n: Alright thanks and don't forget about Chrissy!
I left Jason and went to my locker to see a note inside. Why didn't I just open my locker to begin with? I read the note and seen it said "Me and Dustin are doing important man stuff, I will see you in a couple a hours, love Eddie.
Y/n: Freaking idiot.
I put the note back in my locker and went to class by myself. I seen Jason and Chrissy sitting together again and knew I at least accomplished something today.

It was finally time for lunch and Eddie still hasn't come back with Dustin and I was starting to worry. Eddie shouldn't be driving or walking long distances without breaks. I know I was probably babying him to much but I was just worried about him. I went to the bathroom and locked myself in a stall. I used my power to try and find Eddie. I seen him driving my car with Dustin. They had bags in the back of the car that looked like gift bags. They we're dancing to the rock n roll music that was playing on the radio. I watched Eddie carefully and seen every once in a while he would stop dancing and start holding his stomach. He looked like he was in pain but he still continued to dance. I stoped using my power and left the bathroom. I went to the lunchroom and quietly ate my lunch at the hellfire table. I sat in Eddie's seat and felt in charge. It was just me, Gareth, and Jeff at the table.
Gareth: Eddie will get mad that your sitting in his seat.
Y/n: Well he's not here is he?
Gareth: No...
Y/n: Yeah the he stupidly ditched school and took Dustin with him!
Jeff: And he didn't take you?
Y/n: No he didn't.
I slouched back in the chair as I pouted.
Gareth: Hey, there he is!
I looked up and seen Eddie walking in with Dustin. Eddie was limping a little bit and gently holding his stomach. I jumped up and speed walked to him.
Y/n: Eddie you idiot!
Eddie looked at me confused.
Y/n: You know your supposed to stay with me and your not supposed to over so yourself, now your hurt arnt you?
Eddie: Maybe.
I gave him a disappointed sigh and grabbed his hand. I walked him to the bathroom. He leaned against the wall beside the sink. I lifted his shirt up and seen his wounds were dark red which means he over worked himself.
Y/n: Eddie...
Eddie: Yeah?
Y/n: Why did you even leave in the first place?
Eddie: Umm... Road trip?
Y/n: Uh huh.
I got some paper towels with cold water and gently pressed it against his wounds. He flinched at first but soon relaxed with the relief.
Y/n: Be more careful from now on please.
Eddie: I will.
I held out my pinkie to him.
Y/n: Pinkie promise.
Eddie wrapped his pinkie around mine and smiled at me.
Eddie: I pinkie promise.
Y/n: Now you can't break a pinkie promise.
Eddie: I know, I know.
I smiled and kissed him.
Y/n: Thank you.

School was over and I left Eddie alone to play Hellfire while I went out into the woods to listen to music. I sat at the bench and listen to my cassette tapes when someone walked up behind me.
Steve: Hey y/n, I seen you walk out here and was curious.
Y/n: Oh hey Steve.
Steve: So what are you doing out here?
Y/n: I like to come out here a lot it's very peaceful.
Steve: I never knew this bench was out here.
Y/n: Please don't tell anyone about this place, it's mine and Eddie's secret spot.
Steve had annoyance wash over his face as I brought up Eddie.
Steve: Do you mind if I sit with you?
Y/n: Go ahead.
Steve sat down in the bench beside me.
Steve: What are you listening to?
Y/n: Bon Jovi's new song wanted dead or alive.
Steve: Cool, I haven't heard it yet.
Y/n: Here do you want to listen?
I gave Steve my cassette and let him listen to the song. He moved his head to the beat and started dancing in his seat. I started giggling at him and he stopped dancing. He took the cassette off off and gave it back to me.
Steve: Nice song.
Y/n: On a steel horse he rides.
Steve laughed at me and then we both stopped what we were doing and stared at each other for a moment. He leaned in and our lips met. It was a nice kiss but it wasn't a kiss with Eddie. EDDIE! I pulled away from Steve and awkwardly looked at him.
Y/n: I'm so sorry, I should get going.
Steve: Oh okay, bye y/n!
Y/n: Bye!
I left the woods and went back to the school. I went in the hellfire club room and seen they were down with the game and everyone left. I went around to find Eddie but couldn't find him anywhere. Not again. I seen Gareth walk by and started to walk up to him.
Y/n: Gareth!
Gareth: Hey y/n.
Y/n: Have you seen Eddie?
Gareth: I thought he was looking for you.
Y/n: He was?
Gareth: That's what he told me.
Y/n: I have been looking for him everywhere and can't find him.
Gareth: Maybe go ask Dustin he was with Eddie last.
Y/n: Okay thanks!
I went to Dustin's locker and seen him there.
Y/n: Hey Dustin have you seen Eddie?
Dustin: I seen him walking home.
Y/n: Walking home?
Dustin: Yeah.
Y/n: Why would he do that, he knows he isn't supposed to do to much exercise, he will hurt himself again.
Dustin: Go to his place and see if he is there.
Y/n: Okay, do you need a ride?
Dustin: Yeah, you don't mind me going with you do you?
Y/n: I don't mind, let's go!

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