Chapter 22

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I woke up 5 hours later to a doctor talking to me.
Doctor: Are you the one that brought Edward Munson?
Y/n: Yes ma'am, Is he okay?
Doctor: Yes, We managed to stop the blood and stabilize him. He is now in room 218 if you wasn't to see him.
Y/n: Thank you!
I got up and speed walked to Eddie's room. I opened the door to see Eddie sleeping peacefully on his hospital bed. He had a hospital gown on and he had stitches on the places where the bats got him. I pulled up a chair beside him and held his hand. I admired his face.
Y/n: I'm so sorry Eddie, I feel like this is all my fault, actually I know this is all my fault, I just wanted to be a hero and now I hurt you.
I kissed his hand and laid my head on the bed.
Y/n: I love you Eddie and I would do anything to make sure your Happy and healthy.
I held his hand close to my face as I slowly drifted to sleep.

I woke back up to a doctor coming into the room. I got up out of my seat and let them check his blood and see how stable he was.
Y/n: Do you know how long until he wakes up?
Doctor: He should walk up tomorrow, he did lose a lot of blood so don't be scared if he doesn't.
Y/n: Okay thank you.
The doctor left and it was just me and Eddie again. I went to the window that was in the room and looked outside. We were on the second floor so there was kind of a nice view. I opened the curtains and stared at the Hawkins that had color and life in it. I missed this Hawkins very much. I looked back at Eddie and seen how the moonlight shined so perfectly on his face. I went to sit back down in the seat next to him and held his hand again. I gently rubbed my thumb against his head and watched him. His face was so perfect. The way you can see his long eyelashes and how perfect they were with his eyes were breathtaking and so was his beautiful lips. His facial features all went together so perfectly, his eyes, his lips, his mouth, and how his hair fell so gently on his forehead. It was like a dream man. I couldn't believe he was real and he was mine. I caressed his face and rubbed his cheek gently as I held his face in my hand.
Y/n: I love you so much Eddie.
I kissed his nose and held his hand as I laid my head back on the bed. I laid awake thinking about how stupid and selfish I was to get Eddie on this situation. If I could go back I would go through the gate with them so none of this would have happened or maybe something worse would have happened but I'm sure there would have been a better way to take care of the situation where Eddie wouldn't have gotten hurt.

The sun soon rose and I was still awake. I got up and went to the bathroom. When I got back I seen Dustin and the others in the room looking over at Eddie.
Steve: Hey y/n.
Y/n: Hey guys.
Dustin: Did they say anything?
Y/n: They just said that he should wake up today.
Dustin: I hope so.
Y/n: I hope so to.
Robin: You stayed here all night?
Y/n: Yeah, why wouldn't I?
Nancy: That's cute.
Robin and Nancy both smiled at me and Steve rolled his eyes. Dustin just stared at Eddie.

Dustin and the others stayed for a while but soon left. I sat down in front of the window again and just stared at the town. I observed the people and animals and missed seeing how normal they were. I did let the power get to my head and I needed to remember that power will get me nowhere if I don't use it correctly. I looked at the clouds and made shapes of them as well as laughing at a couple of people who tripped and fell.
Eddie: I missed that laugh.
I looked back to see Eddie was awake.
Y/n: Eddie your awake!
Eddie: I'm glad the first thing I heard was your beautiful laugh.
I smiled at Eddie and tears started to fall from my eyes.
Eddie: Why are you crying?
Y/n: I missed you so much, I was scared that you would leave me forever.
Eddie: Im not going anywhere, like we said before we get through everything together.
Y/n: Together.
I grabbed Eddie's hand and kissed it.
Y/n: I love you with all my heart Edward.
Eddie: I love you with all my heart to princess.

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