Chapter 21

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Me and Dustin went to my trailer and started to barricade it up. I kept think about y/n and how to find her.
Eddie: Dustin after this we need to find y/n.
Dustin: I'm sure Steve and the others will find her first.
Eddie: All long as we find her I don't care who does.

Y/n's pov:
I woke up from my nap feeling strong and powerful. I went back to vecna and seen him hanging by his vines. I sat down beside him and used my power to find Eddie again. I seen him outside of his trailer in the upside down. What we're they doing here? Then I seen him go inside and grab his guitar before climbing on top of his trailer with Dustin. I stopped using my power and ran outside. I ran to Eddie's trailer and hid behind Max's trailer. I watched as Eddie started playing master of puppets on his guitar. What was he doing? The bats started to fly towards him and Dustin. Dustin started yelling at Eddie and they went back inside the trailer. The bats swarmed the trailer and started to break in. I came out from behind Max's trailer and watched as Eddie ran back out of his trailer and the bats followed him. He ran away and tried to ride a bike before he stopped and looked back at he the bats.
Eddie: COME ON!
He hit his shield and the bats started flying towards him. He started yelling at them and hitting them away. I ran up to them but couldn't see him from the swarm of bats surrounding him.
All the bats stopped swarming Eddie flew on top of the trailer. I seen Eddie laying on the floor with few bites on him. I dropped down beside him and looked at his wounds. He was pretty beaten up but he would survive.
Y/n: Are you okay Eddie?
Eddie: Y/n!
Eddie pulled me down to him as he gave me a hug.
Eddie: I missed your beautiful face so much!
Y/n: I missed your handsome face so much to!
I kissed him and pulled away as he groaned in pain.
Y/n: We need to get you to a hospital.
Dustin came running out of the trailer and ran towards us.
Dustin: Y/n?
Y/n: Hey dusty bun!
Dustin hugged me and let go as he seen Eddie on the floor. I seen the bats start to fly at us again but I looked up at them and started yelling at them.
The bats all flew away and disappeared into the woods.
Dustin: You can control them?
Y/n: Yeah, Vecna allowed me to.
I heard Eddie groaning again and seen his shirt covered in blood.
Y/n: Shit, We need to get him out of here.
Dustin: Your strong, Pick him up.
Eddie: What!
Y/n: This might hurt a little.
I bent down and picked Eddie up bridal style. He let out a loud groan of pain. I tried my hardest to get him to the gate safely and not as painful as it could be. When we finally got to the gate Dustin went in first and helped me get Eddie through.

When we did get Eddie through I carried him all the way to the hospital and made sure to leave the weapons and stuff in the upside down. When we finally arrive at the hospital I started to get weak and had to sit down in a chair with Eddie still in my arms. He started to loose consciousness as he lost a lot of blood which was all over me. The nurse seen us and called a doctor immediately. I kissed Eddie's forehead right before they took him away. I was left in the chair alone covered in Eddie's blood.
Dustin: I can go home and get you some new clothes.
Y/n: Y-Yes please.
I sat there and waited for Dustin to come back. Dustin soon did come back with some new clothes, Shampoo, baby wipes, and a blanket. I got the clothes, shampoo, and baby wipes and went to the bathroom. I took off my blood covered clothes and threw them in the trash. I wiped my entire body down with the baby wipes and then washed my hair in the sink. I put on the clothes Dustin got me and walked out of the bathroom and back to Dustin.
Dustin: Are you doing to wait here all night for Eddie?
Y/n: Yes, I will wait as long as it takes.
Dustin: Okay, I would but I hate hospitals so call me if you get any updates.
Y/n: Okay I love you Dustin.
Dustin: I love you to y/n.
Dustin hugged me, gave me some money for food and left. I went to lay on a little couch like thing that they had in the waiting room and fell asleep on it.(If you were wondering, Steve and the others did in fact kill vecna).

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