Chapter 11⚠️Smut⚠️

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It's been a couple of hours after what happened. Dustin invited Steve, Nancy, Robin, and Lucas over to talk about what happened.
Eddie: Is that why you were crying at school?
Y/n: That and I was jealous.
Eddie: Jealous?
Y/n: Chrissy came in the bathroom after what happened and started talking about how she wanted to ask you out.
Eddie: Seriously?
Y/n: Yeah, It was like she was taunting me.
Eddie: Sweetheart, Even if she did ask me out I would always choose you.
Y/n: Thank you Eddie.
Eddie gave me a tight hug as he was reminding me how much he loves me.
Y/n: I love you Edward.
Eddie: I love you to sweetheart.

Everyone left and it was just me and Eddie.
Y/n: Hey love do you want to bake a cake?
Eddie: I'm not good at baking.
Y/n: That doesn't mean we can't try and plus it will get my mind off of everything.
Eddie: Okay, I guess tonight we bake!
I giggled as Eddie started acting funny and playing around. We got out all the ingredients to make a cake and laid them out of the counter. Eddie mixed the ingredients in a bowl and I watched him. I wanted to play around and mess with him so I grabbed the flour and threw some at him. Eddie turned around laughing.
Eddie: Y/n!
I giggled at him and threw some more flower in his hair. Eddie grabbed a separate bowl of flower and threw some at me. I laughed and we had a full on flour war. We made a mess all over the kitchen. We both stopped throwing flour at each other ad we were dying of laughter.
Y/n: I will get the broom while you finish cooking the cake.
Eddie: Okay princess.
Eddie put the cake in the oven and I went to grab the broom. I heard knocking at the door and went back to the kitchen with the broom in my hand.
Y/n: Who would be at the door at this hour?
Eddie: I don't know, a crazy person.
I giggled at Eddie as he went to open the door.
Eddie: Chrissy?
Chrissy? What would she be doing here? Actually I know exactly what she would be doing here and I will not allow it. I stayed in the kitchen as I cleaned up the mess and listened to what Chrissy was saying to Eddie.
Chrissy: Hey Eddie, Are you covered in flour?
Eddie: I was baking a cake.
Chrissy giggled at Eddie and Eddie looked over at me. I winked at him and he continued to talk to Chrissy.
Eddie: Why are you here?
Chrissy: Umm I just wanted to...
Chrissy started to sound seductive as she put her hands on Eddie. He slowly backed away from her and had a uncomfortable look on his face. I was fed up with Chrissy. I dropped the broom on the floor making a loud thud. I walked over to Chrissy and Eddie.
Y/n: Chrissy, GO HOME!
Chrissy gave me a go to hell look as she walked up next to Eddie.
Chrissy: You go home.
Y/n: Oh hell no!
I grabbed Chrissy's arm and threw her out of the door.
I slammed the door in her face and smirked at Eddie.
Y/n: Okay I feel better now.
Eddie laughed at me and walked up to me and twirled me around. We were both laughing and having fun until we heard knocking at the door again.
Eddie: Is Chrissy back again?
Y/n: If she is I'm going to slap her silly.
Eddie laughed at me as he opened the door. It obviously wasn't Chrissy because Eddie had a smile on his face when he seen the person at the door.
Eddie: Hey Wayne.
Wayne: Edward.
The man walked in and seen me.
Wayne: I didn't know you had company, especially a beautiful young lady.
A wide smile formed on my face and the man walked up to me.
Wayne: Hello, Im Wayne, Eddie's uncle.
Y/n: Hello Wayne, I'm y/n, Eddie's girlfriend.
Wayne: He talked about a y/n but I didn't know y'all were dating.
Y/n: We just started dating.
Wayne: That makes sense, Well I better get going I was only here for my office keys.
Y/n: It was nice meeting you.
Wayne: You to y/n and Eddie make sure to clean this mess up.
Wayne laughed at Eddie covered in flower and left. I started cleaning the mess up again and Eddie walked up behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me from behind.
Eddie: Do you want to take a shower together?
I slightly blushed as his warm breath hit my neck.
Y/n: Sure love.
I finished cleaning the mess as Eddie went into the bathroom to get the shower ready.
Eddie: The showers ready darling!
Y/n: Okay, I'll be right there!
I was nervous because I hated Eddie to see me naked but he already did so I guess it doesn't really matter anymore. I walked into the bathroom to see Eddie already naked standing in front of the mirror. My eyes widened slightly and my lip curled into a slight smile as I seen him.
Eddie: You like what you see?
Eddie giggled as I grabbed his hand and kissed it.
Y/n: Very much love.
I let go of his hand and started to take my own clothes off. I took my shirt off and then my pants. Eddie sat there and watched. I looked down and seen Eddie had a slight boner.
Y/n: Are you getting excited over me stripping?
Eddie: What, Nooo...
Eddie said sarcastically as he tried to cover up his obvious boner and I just giggled at him. I took of my under garments and was now completely exposed. I looked in the mirror and seen my body which made me immediately regret my decision. Eddie seen how my expression changed and looked at me concerned.
Eddie: Princess?
Eddie walked up to me and put his hand on my face making me look at him.
Eddie: Your beautiful love.
I gave Eddie a soft smile as I put my hand over him.
Y/n: Thanks.
I gave Eddie a hug the I kissed him but didn't pull away. I started kissing him passionately as he grabbed my waist and pulled me to touch his body. Damn, this man had a magnetic force around him pulling me in. I truly loved him. I pulled away smiling.
Y/n: Don't we have a shower to get to?
Eddie looked at me smiling and grabbed my hand to lead me into the shower.
Eddie: Ladies first.
I got in the shower as Eddie still held onto my hand. I got under the water and got wet as I let Eddie watch me.
Y/n: Are you enjoying the view?
Eddie: Yes, Very much.
I looked at Eddie and pulled him under the water with me. I leaned in for a kiss and our lips met. He pushed me against the wall and slid his tongue in my mouth. The kiss was sloppy but passionate as the water still ran down our bodies. Eddie moved his hand down my leg slowly and lifted it up over his hip. He used his other hand to adjust his tip with my entrance. He slowly pushed in and he put his hand back on my waist and went in and out. He kept kissing me as he went faster and small moans escaped the kiss. I pulled away from the kiss gasping for air and moaning. Eddie went faster and I felt like I was burning inside but it was a good burn. I wrapped one arm around Eddie's neck and started tugging in his hair. I used the other hand to grab his arm that was holding his waist. I scarfed at his arm which left dark scratch marks. Eddie went even faster and I felt like I was about to cumbust. I started moaning louder and digging my nails into Eddie as my head leaned back and my eyes rolled in the back of my head. I felt the feeling build up and soon released on Eddie letting out a few more moans. Eddie kept pounding into me as he tried to finish himself. My eyes started watering as he felt amazing.
Y/n: Shit...
I felt a tear fall out of my eye and I looked up at Eddie who was already looking at me.
Eddie: I'm almost there.
My legs started shaking and I was about to collapse. Eddie held me up as he finished and released inside of me letting out loud groans. When he stopped I fell to the ground pulling Eddie down with me. We both started laughing. Eddie got up and helped me up as he sat me on the tub of the shower.
Eddie: Let's take a bath instead.
I smiled at Eddie and looked down at my legs which were still shaking. Eddie turned the shower off and turned the bath on. He let the bathtub fill up and then got in. He help me up and into his lap as we sat on the tub floor. I grabbed some shampoo I seen and squirted it into the running water making bubbles form all over the tub.
Y/n: Bubbles!
Eddie laughed at me and held me close to him. I laid my head on him and stared at the ceiling as I just enjoyed being in Eddies arms.
Eddie: I love you princess.
Y/n: I love you to Edward.

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