Chapter 6

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I drove me and Eddie to the arcade since Eddie's driving scared the living daylights out of me. We got out of the car and went inside. My eyes immediately lit up as I seen all the games and even a photo booth.
Y/n: Look! They have a photo booth!
Eddie: What do you want to do first?
Y/n: Games!
Me and Eddie played the arcade games for hours until we played almost all the games except for the boring ones.
Y/n: Now it's time for the photo booth!
Eddie smiled at me as I dragged him to the photo booth. We got in and I payed for the photos. The timer started and we started posing.
Y/n: Just a simple smile for this one.
Me and Eddie smiled at the camera and took the picture.
Y/n: Now you do whatever you want.
Eddie started putting up his middle fingers in the air and stuck his tongue out as he looked at me. I made a heart with both of my hands as I just smiled at the camera. The camera took the picture and we had two more photos left. I hesitated as I knew what photo I wanted. I looked Eddie in his eyes and seen he had the same idea as me. The camera took a picture as me and Eddie just stared at each other. Eddie looked down at my lips and smiled as he put his hand under my chin gently pulling me in for a kiss. My face turned a little red as he placed his other hand on the side of my neck. I heard the camera take the finale picture and Eddie slowly pulled away from the kiss looking into my eyes blushing. I leaned in for another kiss and our lips met again. Eddie put his one hand down on my leg and the other one on my jawline. As someone started yelling at us to get out we both started giggled into the kiss and pulled away. We got out of the photo booth and got our photos. I looked at them and loved them, I seen me and Eddie were both blushing and it was adorable.
Y/n: I love it so much!
Eddie: Let me see!
Eddie looked at them and his face lit up.
Eddie: I love it to!
The photo booth gave us two sets of the photos, One for me and one for Eddie. I gave him his and took mine. He put his in his wallet and I put mine is my purse.
Eddie: We did everything there is to do here, Do you want to go somewhere else?
Y/n: Sure!
Eddie: This time I want to pick.
Y/n: Have at it.

Eddie drove us to lovers lake.
Y/n: You really like lovers lake huh?
Eddie: At this time of the day, Its really pretty out here.
Y/n: Can we watch the sunset?
Eddie: Of course!
Eddie parked his van with the big side door facing the water. We got out of the van and I followed Eddie as he opened the side door.
Eddie: Its not the best seating but it's all I have.
Y/n: That's okay, At least we have somewhere to sit.
Eddie got a blanket and laid it out on the van floor. He sat down on it and patted the spot beside him as he smiled at him. I sat down beside him and looked over the lake.
Y/n: It's beautiful out here.
He stared at me and put my hair behind my ear catching my attention.
Eddie: It really is.
I looked into his eyes and seen how they sparked in the sunlight. He put his hand on my leg and crawled over to me. He held himself up with his other hand as he leaned in to kiss me. I put my one of my hands on his face and the other one on his chest. Eddie pulled away as I started smiling into the kiss. He looked at me smiling as well.
Eddie: Why are you smiling like that?
Y/n: Your just so perfect.
Eddie's smile got wider as I said that and he kissed me on the cheek.
Y/n: Look the sun is started to set!
I jumped out of Eddie's van and looked over towards the sunset. It was beautiful but not as beautiful as Eddie of course. Eddie walked up beside me as I watched the sun set and he held my hand.
Eddie: The sunset is almost as beautiful as you princess.
Y/n: Aww, You flatter me.
Eddie let go of my hand and wrapped his arm around my neck. As his hand hung down I grabbed it and interlocked our fingers as I laid my head on his shoulder.
Y/n: Does this count as a date?
Eddie: Only if you want it to.
Y/n: Then yes, it does.
Eddie smiled to himself as he slightly squeezed my hand.
Eddie: It was a great date darling.
Y/n: I agree, it was a grate date.
Eddie: Would you like to go on a second date soon?
Y/n: Sure, When?
Eddie: How about Monday after school.
Y/n: Okay, What are we going to be doing?
Eddie: We can go out to eat some dinner.
Y/n: I can't wait!

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