Chapter 31

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Me and Eddie swam in the pool for a little while longer before we finally went home.
Y/n: Can I have my massage now?
Eddie: Yes, I will do a full on spa time!
Y/n: Oooh, that's sounds nice.
Eddie: Go wait on the couch as I get everything ready.
Y/n: Okay.
I sat on the couch and turned the tv on as I waited for Eddie. I felt bad for Eddie doing something nice for me without me doing something nice for him. I would have to repay him.
Eddie: Okay, ready princess.
I got up and walked into the bedroom to see candles and a nice massage area set up.
Y/n: Wow, this is nice.
Eddie: Take your clothes off and lay on the bed darling.
Y/n: Is this all just to get my clothes off?
Eddie: No, that's just a bonus.
I giggled as I took my clothes off. I stood there naked in front of Eddie as he just stared at me.
Y/n: Edward!
Eddie: Sorry princess, your just so beautiful!
I smiled at Eddie and laid on the bed, turned on my stomach. Eddie took off his jacket and put some lotion on my back and then started rubbing it.
Y/n: That's feels so good!
Eddie: Then I doing a good job?
Y/n: A great job, thank you Eddie!
Eddie: Anytime princess.
Y/n: You should let me give you a bath after this.
Eddie stopped rubbing my back for a second.
Eddie: Give me a bath?
Y/n: Yeah, you know wash you hair and body for you, or something like that, it's whatever you want me to do.
Eddie: That actually sounds really nice.
Y/n: So you want me to give you a bath?
Eddie: Sure.
Eddie continued to massage my back as I relaxed into the bed. When he was done giving me a massage I got off the bed and threw some clothes on. I walked up to Eddie and kissed him.
Y/n: Thank you love.
Eddie smiled and kissed me again.
Eddie: Now it's time for my bath!
I giggled at how excited he was about it and grabbed his hand leading him to the bathroom.
Y/n: Now strip for me baby!
Eddie laughed at me as I got the bath ready. I cleaned the tub up a little bit and filled the tub up with water. I put some body wash in it to create bubbles and then looked back at Eddie who was naked and staring at me.
Y/n: Ready?
Eddie nodded at me and got in the tub. He sat down and his body disappeared into the bubbles.
Y/n: How cute!
I grabbed a pile of bubbles and put it on his head.
Eddie: I'm not a child!
Eddie crossed his arms and pouted like a child would and I just laughed at him.
Y/n: Okay, would you like your hair washed now?
Eddie: Yes please.
Eddie scooted up the tub and to the middle as I got the shampoo and conditioner. I got his hair wet and started to rub the shampoo into the roots of his hair. I made sure to give him a nice head message as I washed his hair. I looked at Eddie's face and seen his had a wide smile and his eyes closed.
Y/n: Feels good?
Eddie: Yeah!
I giggled and rinsed the shampoo out of his hair then I started to rub the conditioner in the ends of his hair. I rinsed it out again and now he had clean hair.
Eddie: Can you scrub my body to?
Y/n: Sure.
Eddie got up out of the tub and drained the water as he turned the shower on. He finished rinsing out his hair and rinsed his body off. I got some body wash and put it on a lufa he had in there. I rubbed the soap in evenly and started to scrub Eddie's body with it. I made sure to get every inch of him, back and all.
Eddie: This was a great idea princess.
Y/n: I know, I am amazing!
I giggled and continued to scrub his body.
Eddie: You are amazing!
Y/n: Thank you.
I finished washing his body and let him rinse the soap off as I put all the stuff back where it went. I got Eddie some towels and put them in the bathroom. Eddie got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist.
Y/n: Hopefully you didn't use all the hot water because I have to take a shower now.
Eddie: You don't want me to give you a bath?
Y/n: No thanks, I'm a big girl I can wash my own body.
I winked at Eddie and went to take the shower.

When I got out of the shower I seen Eddie sleeping on the bed. I admired how cute he was and watched him as he slept. I threw on a shirt and some underwear. I cleaned up Eddie's candles and spa day stuff before climbing into bed next to him. I tried not to wake him and successfully got beside him without waking him up. Eddie turned over to face me as he was still asleep and wrapped his arms around my waist.
Eddie: Pizza...
I quietly laughed to myself and kissed his cheek before cuddling up to him and falling asleep.

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