Chapter 20

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I used my power to find Eddie and I seen him with Chrissy. I walked around them and seen Chrissy getting touchy with Eddie. All because I am not there dosent mean she can steal my man. I felt the rage build up inside me and got into Chrissy mind. I took over her body like vecna took over Billy's. I seen Eddie's facial expression change as he looked very confused.
Eddie: Chrissy are you okay?
I looked down at my body and seen I successfully took over her body. I looked back up at Eddie and smiled at him.
Y/n: Hey Edward!
Eddie: Don't call me that.
Y/n: It's me y/n.
Eddie: Stop bullshitting me!
Y/n: Okay ask me something only y/n would know.
I crossed my arms and looked up at him.
Eddie: What's her favorite song?
Y/n: Who the fuck is Alice by smokie.
Eddie: Where did we have our first kiss?
Y/n: At the arcade in the Photo Booth.
Eddie: Umm... where did we go after the arcade?
Y/n: Lovers lake.
Eddie: Dang, so it really is you?
Y/n: Yeah, I took over her mind and body, apparently I can do that.
Eddie: So you can take over my body?
Y/n: Ooh, Your giving me ideas.
I giggled and Eddie started to giggle to.
Eddie: Can you still use your powers?
Y/n: I don't know, let me try.
I focused on a clothing rack and tried to make it float. Soon it did start to float but I soon dropped it making a loud bang and everyone jumped.
Y/n: Whoops.
I laughed as Eddie gave me a big hug.
Eddie: Y/n!
Y/n: What you still didn't believe it was me.
Eddie: I did but now I really do know.
Y/n: When Chrissy starts acting like well Chrissy then you know it's not me.
Eddie: I really want to kiss you right now.
Y/n: Don't, if you kiss Chrissy then I will slap you.
Eddie laughed at me and hugged me again.
Eddie: Just a hug will have to do.
Soon Jason walked up to us and started yelling.
Jason: What the hell Chrissy!
I looked up at Eddie and a mischievous smile appeared on my face.
Y/n: Hey Jason.
Jason: What are you doing with the freak?
Y/n: You know your the real freak her I mean your the one who like playing with balls, that's pretty freaky if you ask me.
Eddie started laughing and Jason looked pissed.
Jason: Fuck you Chrissy.
Y/n: Fuck you to JASON THE FREAK!
I grabbed Eddie's hand and ran out of the building.
Eddie: That was awesome!
Y/n: Yeah it was!
Soon Steve and the others started walking out of the building they looked confused as they seen Eddie with Chrissy.
Dustin: What the hell man!
Eddie: What?
Dustin: All because y/n is gone right now doesn't mean you can run to Chrissy.
Y/n: I appreciate your concern dusty bun but I'm not Chrissy.
Dustin's facial expression changed almost immediately.
Dustin: What did you just call me?
I went up to Dustin and put my arm around his head to give him a knuckle sandwich.
Y/n: It's me, y/n.
Dustin: How?
Y/n: Apparently I can take over other peoples bodies like vecna did to billy.
Max had a sad expression on her face when I mentioned billy.
Y/n: Sorry Max I didn't mean to bring him up.
Max: It's okay.
Steve: So your just as strong as vecna?
Y/n: Maybe even stronger:
Dustin: Stronger!?
Y/n: I better get going now, let me take Chrissy's body back into the store.
Eddie: I love you.
Y/n: I love you to Edward.
I kissed him on the cheek and went back into the store. I seen Jason walking up to me again.
Jason: How could you!
Y/n: I like girls.
Jason stood there shocked.
Y/n: You never satisfied me anyway, a girl knows what I want and your just pathetic, bye bitch!
I walked off flipping him off and stopped using my power. I came back to the upside down in my body and seen vecna hovering over me which honestly scared the crap out of me. I jumped back and looked up at him scared.
Vecna: I didn't mean to scare you.
Y/n: Oh, It's okay.
Vecna: What we're you doing?
Y/n: I realized I can possess peoples bodies.
Vecna: Oh, Fun.
Y/n: Yeah, Do you know the power I have, maybe I really can rule this world.
Vecna smiled at me and I realized what he was doing. He probably already knew my plan thats why he was watching me all the time but he knew that I would let the power get to my head when I realized all the things I could do. This was his plan all along. He really did want me to work alongside to him as he knew I would turn into a monster like him over time. I needed to get a grip of myself.
Vecna; Are you okay?
Y/n: Yeah, I think I just over used my power.
Vecna: Careful darling.
Y/n: Yeah, I'm going to go take a nap now.
Vecna: Sweet dreams.
Vecna soon left me alone as he went back to his vines and I laid in bed staring at the disgusting ceiling. What was I doing? Was I really letting the power get to my head? I needed to stop this. I need to get back to Eddie. I know vecna was probably watching my every move but I knew I was stronger than him if I really tried so I had to think of a way to kill him and get out of here and fast. I went to sleep as I did over use my power.

Eddie's pov:
I seen Jason running out of the store crying. I don't know if y/n said anymore to him but she really touched a nerve. Steve drove us to a big open field to split up into sections and make the weapons. Me and Dustin were making shields while the others made their own weapons. I finished making my shield and started playing with it.
Eddie: There will be no retreating from Eddie the banished!
Dustin started laughing at me.
Dustin: I guess your really ready for bat-tle, Hehe get it.
I gave him a blank stare and ran up to him. We started to play fight and we were having a lot of fun.
Dustin: NO WEDGES!
I let go of him and grabbed his face.
Eddie: Never change Henderson, never change.
Dustin looked at me confused yet happy. I let go of him and we started to play with the shield some more. Soon everyone finished making their weapons and we started to head to the Fred's gate.

We made it back to the gate and jumped through.
Steve: Y'all know the drill, Dustin and Eddie go to Eddies trailer and the rest of us to to the abandoned house.
Eddie: Yes sir.
This is it, we were back in the upside down and y/n was here. I had to find her.

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