Chapter 12

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I went to the cafeteria with Eddie holding my hand. I watched out for Chrissy all day because I knew what she wanted and I would not let her have it. Eddie was mine and all mine. Me and Eddie got our food and went to the table.
Dustin: Hey sis!
Y/n: Hey dusty bu- Dustin.
Eddie: What were you about to call him?
Y/n: Nothing.
Eddie: No I think I heard a nick name in there.
Y/n: Dustins to embarrassed to let me call him it.
Mike: Cause it's hilarious.
Y/n: It's cute!
Eddie and the others laughed and then I seen Chrissy walking over to us looking at Eddie.
Y/n: Damn!
Dustin: Shit.
Eddie: Oh.
Chrissy walked over to Eddie and completely ignored the rest of us.
Chrissy: Hey boo, Do you think I can eat lunch with you today?
Eddie: I'm not your boo and the table is already full.
Chrissy: Well I will just take her seat.
Chrissy glared at me and then looked back at Eddie.
Eddie: I don't think so.
Chrissy: Oh come on, I want to sit with you.
Eddie: Maybe another time.
Chrissy: Nonsense!
Chrissy basically pushed me out of my seat and I fell onto the floor. Eddie hurried and got up making his way to me.
Eddie: Are you okay?
Eddie helped me up and went to Eddie and yanked her out of the seat making her fall to the ground harder than I did.
Y/n: Bitch.
I sat back down and watched as Chrissy got up with a bitch face.
Chrissy: How dare you!
Y/n: What, Take back my seat?
Chrissy: Eddie said I could sit there.
Y/n: He never said that!
Chrissy: Get up!
Y/n: Make me.
Chrissy tried to pushed me out of the seat again but I got up yanked on her hair pulling her down. She started swinging her hands at me but she was weak. I grabbed her arm and threw her back.
Y/n: Is that all you got?
Chrissy ran and jumped on me. We fell back and she was on top of me. She started to grab chunks of my hair and tried to pull it but I punched her face and knocked her out. She fell onto the floor unconscious and I got up seeing everyone's eyes on me.
Y/n: Whoops.
I smiled as I pushed her body out of the way of my chair. Everyone just stared at me in awe as I sat and ate my food like nothing happened.
Y/n: Well are y'all going to join me?
Dustin: Where did you learn to fight like that?
Y/n: I used to date billy.
Dustin: Oh.
Eddie: Damn princess, Your badass.
Eddie moved Chrissy's body even further and scooted his chair next to me. He sat down and wrapped his arm around me. Soon Jason ran up to Chrissy's body and picked her up.
Y/n: What? She just came like that.
Jason flipped us off and left with Chrissy in his arms.
Y/n: Anyhow.
Eddie and the others laughed and we started eating our lunch again.

I went home after school and did some of my homework while listening to music. I took off my pants and was in a small shirt and my underwear. I gave up on doing my homework so I started dancing to the music. What I didn't realize was that my curtains were open so anyone could see in. I swayed my hips to the beat of the music as I was having a great time. Then someone started pounding at the door.
Y/n: Ugh.
I turned the music off and sat on my bed trying to figure out what else I could do. I fell back and kicked my feet up in the air as I started thinking about Eddie, Oh the things he made me feel. I heard knocking at my window and seen Gareth. I got up and opened the window.
Y/n: What are you doing here?
Gareth: I was walking around and seen you dancing.
Y/n: So your a pervert?
Gareth: No, Your curtains are wide open and it's hard not to see.
Y/n: Mmm hmm.
Gareth: I don't mean to look like a pervert I just wanted to say hi.
Y/n: Hi, Bye.
Gareth: Wait, Eddie's not here you don't have to worry.
Y/n: Gareth, Please just leave.
Gareth: Fine, I will see you tomorrow.
Y/n: Bye Gareth.
I shut the window and closed the curtains. I wish he would give it up already. I went to the phone and started to dial Eddie's home number.
Wayne: Munson residence, Wayne speaking.
Y/n: Hello Mr Munson is Eddie there?
Wayne: No Eddie said he went to band practice, Do you want me to send him the message?
Y/n: I just wanted to talk to him.
Wayne: I will tell him to call you when he gets home.
Y/n: Thank you Mr. Munson, Have a good night.
Wayne: You to.
I hung up the phone and went back to my room. If Gareth was on a walk and not at band practice than Eddie couldn't have been either. They don't even have band practice today so where was he? I threw on some pants and went outside to find Gareth. I seen a shadow and walked up to the person thinking it was Gareth.
Y/n: Gareth!
The man turned around and I seen it wasn't Gareth, It was an older scary looking man.
Y/n: Oh I'm sorry I thought you were someone else.
Scary man: Oh no worries sweet thang.
Y/n: Please don't call me that.
I started to walk back to the house and seen Dustin outside watching me. The man started to walk up behind me and grab me. He covered my mouth with his hand and started to drag me away. I seen Dustin run up to us with a can of hairspray. He sprayed the man in the face yelling.
Dustin: GET AWAY!
The man slapped Dustin which pissed me off. I started to get really angry and a angry ball of electricity ran through my body. I started screaming and seen the man fly back.
Dustin: Holy shit.
I looked back to see the man put a judge dent in his own car and he was unconscious.
Y/n: Dustin go call 911 now!
Dustin ran inside and called the police as I stayed outside with the man. Dustin ran back outside with me and stayed by my side as the police came. The police stayed and asked me and Dustin a lot of questions as they took the man away. Suddenly someone started knocking on the door.
Officer: I will get that.
The officer opened to door to see Eddie.
Eddie: Where is y/n?
Officer: State you business here.
Eddie: I'm here to see if my girlfriend is okay now where is y/n!
Officer: She is in the living room sir.
Eddie pushed passed the officer and ran up to me.
Eddie: Y/N!
He pulled me into a tight hug and I could feel him shaking.
Y/n: Eddie, Are you shaking?
Eddie: A little.
Y/n: How did you know to come here anyway?
Eddie: I didn't, My uncle told me you called so I was just heading here to hang out with you and seen the cops coming, What happened?
Y/n: There was a man outside who tried to...
Eddie's eyes opened wide and shock filled his facial expression.
Eddie: He tried to what?
Y/n: He tried to grab me.
Eddie: I'm so sorry y/n.
Y/n: It's okay, Dustin helped me and something else happened.
Eddie: What?
Y/n: The man slapped Dustin and I felt a type of energy run through me and I started screaming, When I did scream the energy exploded out of me and the man flew back.
Eddie: Woah, Seriously?
Y/n: Yeah, Ask Dustin he seen it happen.
Eddie: I just glad your okay.
Eddie gave me another tight hug and pulled away kissing all over my face.
Eddie: I love you so fucking much!
Y/n: I love you to Edward.
Eddie put looked down at me putting his forehead on mine as we gave each other a cute smile.
Dustin: Hey Eddie!
Eddie: Hey Dustin, How are you doing after all this happened?
Dustin: I'm just happy that y/n is okay and was not kidnapped.
Eddie started to squeeze my hand into his as Dustin mentioned the word kidnap. He looked down and rubbed his turn on my hand.
Dustin: Hey are you okay?
Eddie: I'm pissed, What if you weren't there, What if she did get kidnapped and I never see her again.
Dustin: I don't think I was the reason she even out out of his grasp.
Eddie: Oh the electric thing.
Dustin: More like power thing.
Eddie: Power?
Dustin: Yeah, It was like she had some telekinetic power.
Eddie looked down at me with a weak smile.
Eddie: When the cops leave do you want to test that?
  Y/n: Sure, I don't have anything better to do.

The police officers soon left and it was just me, Eddie, and Dustin.
Dustin: Let's test your powers now.
Y/n: I don't even know if I have powers.
Dustin: Well let's find out.
We went to the kitchen and set up a pyramid of soda cans.
Dustin: Knock them down!
I tried to focus and knock the cans down but it wasn't working.
Y/n: I just feel stupid.
Dustin: Well when you did use a power like thing it was when you were mad so try to think of something that will make you mad.
Y/n: Okay, Give me a second.
I tried to think about something that made me mad and thought about Chrissy kissing on Eddie. I thought about Eddie ditching me for Chrissy and rubbing it in my face. I thought about my dad leaving me and how every man that wants me just wants to get in my pants. I thought about how jealous I was of Chrissy and Nancy and how I wanted so desperately to look like them. I thought of everything that could possibly make me mad including billy. I thought about how billy would find me when he was drunk and he would start hitting me. I felt the same ball of anger rise within me and I started getting very upset. Lastly I thought about Eddie touching Chrissy the way he has touched me and that put me over the edge. I started screaming like I did outside and felt the energy radiate off of me  and into the air. I heard things move and cupboards fling open.
Eddie: Shit.
I opened my eyes and seen all the cupboards were open and there was stuff all over the floor. The cans were crumbled and thrown in random places and the lights started flickering a little bit.
Dustin: I knew it!
Y/n: How?

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