Chapter 24

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I drove me and Dustin to Eddie's trailer. It took us about 20 minutes to get there and the entire time I was freaking out hoping Eddie didn't hurt himself to much. When we finally made it to the trailer park I pulled up to his trailer like a mad man and hurried to the front door. I knocked on in many times.
Y/n: Eddie!
I knew he had to be home because the lights were on. I knocked a few more times and the knocks tuned into pounding.
Y/n: Eddie please open the door!
Soon Eddie did open the door. He stood in front of me with his head down trying to hide his face.
Y/n: Eddie why did you walk home? Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself again?
Eddie didn't say anything but I heard hi sniffle.
Y/n: Eddie... are you crying?
He looked up at me and I seen his puffy red eyes.
Y/n: Why are you crying?
Eddie: Why do you think.
Y/n: What?
Eddie: When hellfire was over I went to our spot in the woods because I knew you would be there.
I stood there confused for a minute then realized why he was crying.
Eddie: I seen you and Steve kiss y/n!
Y/n: Oh Eddie, He kissed me and I pulled away.
Eddie: Do you really expect me to believe that!
Eddie started holding his stomach as he started breathing heavy.
Y/n: Eddie?
I grabbed him and held him up as he started to fall.
Y/n: Eddie!
Dustin seen us and hurried and got out of the car. He walked up behind me and seen Eddie had fainted in my arms.
Dustin: Holy shit!
Y/n: What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?
Dustin: It should just be because of how much energy he used today right?
Y/n: I'm pretty sure yeah.
Dustin: So we just need to allow him to rest but we need to watch over him.
Y/n: Okay, do you need me to call someone to pick you up?
Dustin: I can walk home.
Y/n: Ar e you sure?
Dustin: Of course, I love you and will see you later.
Y/n: Okay love you Dustin!
Dustin left as I grabbed Eddie and put him in his bed. I took off his shirt to look at his wounds and seen they looked pretty bad. I got wet cold rags and put them over his wounds as I let Eddie rest. I cleaned up the trailer a little bit and seen his wallet on the kitchen counter with the photos of us from the Photo Booth laid out beside it. I know I messed up and hope Eddie could forgive me. I sat on the floor beside his bed as I waited for him to wake up. I got out my purse and looked at the picture of us from the Photo Booth that I got. I started to cry as I thought about losing Eddie. I loved him so much that it hurt.
Y/n: I'm so sorry Eddie.
I looked up at him and seen he was still asleep. I sat on my knees and laid my head on his bed as I watched him and silently cried until I fell asleep. I woke up to Eddie slightly caressing my hair. I slowly looked up at him as he sat up on the bed.
Y/n: Your awake!
I threw my arms around him and hugged him.
Y/n: I was so worried.
Eddie wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tighter.
Y/n: I love you so much Edward!
Eddie: I love you to y/n!
Me and Eddie fell back onto the bed and stayed hugging each other for a while before I pushed myself up and hovered over him. I smiled down at him and kissed his sweet soft lips.
Y/n: Eddie?
Eddie: Yes?
Y/n: I'm really sorry, I should have known what Steve's intentions were, I just wanted to think that a guy wanted to be my friend and not my boyfriend.
Eddie: It's okay princess, I believe you.
Y/n: Your the best boyfriend ever, I don't know what I did to deserve you.
I kissed him again and then got off of him.
Y/n: Are you feeling better?
Eddie: Yeah, I'm feeling a lot better.
I lifted Eddie's shirt up and seen his wounds looked a lot better. I kissed his stomach and put his shirt down.
Y/n: You broke your pinkie promise.
Eddie: Shoot I forgot about that.
I gave Eddie a sad look.
Eddie: Please don't look at me like that.
Eddie got up and stood in front of me.
Eddie: Turn that frown upside down.
Eddie grabbed my face and pushed my lips up to make the frown into a smile. I started to actually smile as Eddie started laughing at me. He pulled my face to his and kissed me.
Y/n: Oh I need to call Dustin!
Eddie: Okay, I'll be waiting for you in here.
I smiled and kissed his cheek before going into the living room to call Dustin on Eddie's phone.
Dustin: Hello?
Y/n: Hey Dustin, Eddie woke up and is feeling better.
Dustin: That's good, are you going to stay over at his place tonight?
Y/n: I'm hoping to but I don't know yet.
Dustin: Okay, love you.
Y/n: Love you to dusty bun!
I hung up the phone and went back into Eddie's room.
Y/n: Hey Eddie, do you mind if I stay here with you tonight?
Eddie: I was about to ask if you would.
I giggled and grabbed his hands. I twirled around and danced a did a little dance.
Y/n: Sleepover!
Eddie: Why are you so excited it's not our first sleepover.
Y/n: Well we never looked at it as a sleepover before, now we can do all the classic sleepover stuff.
Eddie: And what is that?
A wide grin appeared on my face.
Eddie: Uh oh.
Y/n: We can do makeovers, nail painting, karaoke, baking, and more!
Eddie: That's girly.
Y/n: So you won't do it even for me?
I gave him puppy dog eyes and quivered my bottom lip.
Y/n: Pleaseeeee!!!!
Eddie: Fine, we can have a girly sleep over.
Y/n: YAY!!!
I started jumping up and down in excitement and Eddie started laughing at me.

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