Chapter 25⚠️Smut⚠️

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I set everything up for the sleepover like they were certain stations. Eddie watched me the entire time.
Y/n: Finished!
Eddie: That's a lot of stations.
Y/n: And every station is going to be so much fun!
Eddie: If you say so princess.
I led Eddie to the first station, Make overs.
Y/n: We have to start with make overs!
Eddie: I don't know about this princess.
Y/n: Come on Eddie loosen up, you can go first to do my make up and pick me out some clothes.
Eddie: Yes!
Eddie started to rummage through my make up and apply it to my face.
Eddie: What is this?
Y/n: An eyebrow pencil.
Eddie: Okay...
Eddie soon finished my make up and gave me the mirror I had in the station. I looked in the mirror and was pleasantly surprised.
Y/n: This is actually not that bad.
Eddie: Hell ya!
Y/n: My turn!
Me and Eddie switched spots as he sat in a chair and I did his makeup. I gave him a natural look with red lipstick.
Y/n: Beautiful!
Eddie: I hate this, it makes my face feel sticky and weird.
Y/n: It's okay, you can wash it off if it bothers you so much.
Eddie: I'll keep it on for you.
My face lit up and I finished his make up. I gave him the mirror and his face expression immediately changed.
Eddie: Woah, I look so weird.
Y/n: Good weird or bad weird?
Eddie: Medium weird but this is very impressive.
Y/n: Now time for clothes!
Eddie: Ugh, okay.
Me and Eddie went into the bedroom as I picked out some clothes for him. I picked out one of my crop tops I left at his house and some black jeans he already had.
Y/n: Here!
Eddie: A shirt shirt?
Y/n: It's a crop top.
Eddie: Oh.
Eddie went to the bathroom with hesitation. I waited patiently outside the door as he finally opened it. He walked outside with his crop top which he looked HAWT in. I looked him up and down with a smile on my face.
Y/n: Damn.
Eddie laughed at me and went back to the bedroom to pick out my clothes.
Eddie: Can I choose nothing?
Y/n: No.
Eddie: Fine you can wear..
Eddie dug through his clothes then my clothes I left here and found another crop top.
Eddie: We can be crop top twins.
Y/n: Twinning!
Eddie also pulled out a mini skirt.
Eddie: You can also wear this.
Y/n: Oooh okay!
I went into the bathroom and put on the crop top and short skirt. I walked back out and seen Eddie looking me up and down like I did to him.
Eddie: Damn.
Y/n: You like what you see?
I did a little twirl as I let Eddie see every inch of my body.
Eddie: Very much.
Y/n: Well keep it in your pants because the night is not over yet!
Eddie bit his lip and tried to talk through his teeth.
Eddie: Mmkay...
I grabbed Eddie's hand and led him to the hair station.
Y/n: Now since we have the make up and clothes it's time for hair!
Eddie: I can't promise anything good, I just know how to braid.
Y/n: Okay, just try your best.
Eddie: Can I do your hair first?
Y/n: Sure.
I sat down in a chair and let Eddie play with my hair. He took a few minutes to make a braid. I looked in the mirror and seen it actually looked pretty good.
Eddie: Do you like it?
Y/n: Yeah!
A smile appeared on Eddie's face and we switched spots. I put his hair in a low bun and let some strands fall on his face with his bangs still on his forehead.
Y/n: Stunning!
Eddie giggled at me and looked I the mirror.
Eddie: Not bad princess.
Y/n: Not bad? You look great!
Eddie laughed and kissed me.
Eddie: What's the next station?
Y/n: Umm... nail polish!
Eddie: I know how to do that!
We went to the next station and sat down at the dinning table across from each other. I got out some black nail polish and painted Eddie's nails. After I painted his he painted mine and we were nail polish twins.
Y/n: I have a great idea!
Eddie: Yeah?
Y/n: A stripping game or a drinking game!
Eddie: Strip beer pong?
Y/n: YES!
Eddie: Okay, I have some cups around here and a ping pong ball.
Y/n: This is going to be so much fun!
Eddie laid out some red cups full of beer on the coffee table and went to his room to get the ping pong ball.
I sat down on the floor as I waited for him. He came back and sat on the floor across from me.
Eddie: Ready to play?
Y/n: Yeah!
Me and Eddie played for a while until I finally got one in a cup.
Y/n: Finally I got one!
Eddie: Time to strip princess.
I took of one of my sock and giggled as Eddie had an annoyed look on his face. I drank the beer that was in the cup and threw the cup to the side.
Y/n: What, Socks count.
Eddie: I wanted your shirt to come off.
Eddie smirked at me and continued to play the game. He made a ball into a cup and drank the beer.
Eddie: Unlike you I'm fun!
Eddie took off his shirt and threw it to the side.
Y/n: Wow what a view!
I threw a ball into another cup and drank the beer before taking my shirt off.
Y/n: Happy now?
Eddie: Very.
Eddie threw the ball a couple more times and made another shot. She drank the beer and took off his belt.
Eddie: Belts count to.
I giggled at him and threw the ball into the cup, there were only like five cups and I already made two cups so I had 3 more to go. I drank the beer and took off my other sock. Eddie made his ball and drank the beer as he took off his pants leaving him in his boxers. He looked so good and I was getting a little heated. Shit.
Eddie: You can stop staring and start playing.
Y/n: S-Sorry.
Eddie laughed as I threw the ball into the next cup. I drank the beer and took off my skirt. Eddie looked me up and down and threw his ball into the cup. He took off his watch and I started to feel the alcohol kick in.
Y/n: Shit.
Eddie: Are you alright?
Y/n: Yeah, the beer is just kicking in.
Eddie: Oh, you'll be fine!
Eddie laughed and I tried to thrown my last ball into the cup. It took me a couple of tries before I finally made it. I drank the last cup of beer and took off my bra. Eddie had a smile grow on his face as my breast came free from the bra. I got up off of the floor and walked over to Eddie. I sat down next to him and looked into his eyes as I kissed him.
Eddie: Do you want to take the make up off before we sweat it off?
I looked down at Eddie's stomach and f started to worry.
Eddie: What's wrong?
Y/n: What if I hurt you?
Eddie: You, hurt me?
I leaned up to Eddie's ear and gently kissed his earlobe before whispering.
Y/n: Yeah, what if I ride you so hard that it hurts you?
Eddie: I don't think you will have to worry about that princess, I'm a strong man.
Y/n: Well see.
I got up and grabbed Eddie's hand. He got up and we went into the bedroom.
Y/n: Can we use some of these handcuffs you have around?
Eddie: Oh, what do you want to do with them?
Y/n: I think you already know.
I winked at Eddie and went to grab some handcuffs off of the wall. I threw them onto the bed and went back to Eddie.
Y/n: It's my turn to be dominant now.
Eddie smiled down at me and started to kiss me. Eddie sat down on the bed and laid back onto it. I grabbed the handcuffs as I straddled him and pulled away from the kiss.
Y/n: Ready?
Eddie looked up at me and nodded.
Y/n: Words darling.
Eddie: Y-Yes.
I giggled at how Horny this man was and handcuffed his hands to the headboard of the bed. He looked at me smiling and I moved my way to his pants. I slowly pulled down his boxers as I traced my fingers down his skin making him shiver.
Eddie: Princess...
Y/n: Yes dear?
Eddie looked at me with impatient eyes.
Y/n: Impatient are we?
Eddie: A little.
I laughed at him and pulled his boxers completely off, throwing them onto the floor. I grabbed Eddie dick and gently kissed the tip. I seen Eddie's breath get heavy as I teased him. I put his tip in my mout and licked it in circles causing Eddie 'em to be even more impatient.
Eddie: Y/n... Please...
I pushed the rest of his dick into my mouth and slightly sucked as I bobbled my head up and down. I felt him start to shake and I moved my head further down but I didn't gag. I was wanting even more of Eddie then I could possibly have. His dick slid down the back of my throat as I took in all of him. I looked up at him ugh wide eyes and a smile I could tell he was impressed at how much I could take. I started going faster and I could feel him throbbing in my mouth.
Eddie: Y/n... I'm g-going to cum...
I let go of his dick with one arm and traced my hand up his stomach and to his side as I slid my hand down his hips. He lifted his hips up as his head went back. I felt his hot liquid shoot to the back of my throat. I swallowed it and crawled over Eddie. I looked down at him and moved his hair away from his neck. I tugged on his hair to pull his head back and started to kiss his neck. I heard him groan and I started to feel my underwear get wet. I slightly rubbed my pussy against him and started to moan in his ear as I kissed him. I slid my underwear off and crawled over his waist. I aligned his dick with my entrance and slowly went down on it. Eddie let out soft groans as I went faster. I started smiling at Eddie as I admired his face. Eddie looked up at me and a grin appeared on his face as his breathing got heavy. I stopped riding him as fast as I was and slowly bent over to where I was close to his face. I slowly rode him as I caressed his face.
Y/n: I love you.
Eddie: I l-love you to.
I kissed him and went back up to tide him faster again. He started to grab onto the headboard as I started going even faster.
Eddie: Fuck... I'm close...
Y/n: I know babe.
Eddie's face went a little red and his head went back as his eyes rolled to the back of his head. He let out some loud groans and I felt him throbbing inside of me. I got off of him and kept jerking him off. I put his dick in my mouth and sucked on it as I didn't was to spoil the orgasm. I heard him let out a loud groan as he lifted his hips up. I felt the warm liquid shoot into my mouth and swallowed it. I crawled back up to Eddie's face and kissed him again.
Eddie: Can you uncuff me now?
Y/n: Sure.
I took off the handcuffs and Eddie let out a sigh of relief as he put his arms down.
Y/n: Are you okay? Are you hurting anywhere?
Eddie: I'm fine princess, just tired.
Y/n: Do you need anything?
Eddie: No, I'm good.
I smiled at him and kissed him again.
Y/n: Okay babe.
I got up and went to the bathroom before I turned the lights out and laid in the bed next to Eddie.
Y/n: I love you Edward.
Eddie: I love you to princess.
I cuddled up to him and fell asleep.

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